
Project Pizza Server

Primary LanguageGherkin

Project Pizza Server

GitHub GitHub repo size David

A web-app for comparing pizza provided by two different vendors.


1. Fork and clone this repository.

Open github.com/indian-devs/project-pizza-server and fork the project in your own github profile.

fork repo

Clone the repository in your local machine. Open terminal/command-prompt and type the following command:

git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_USERNAME>/project-pizza-server.git

2. Setup Project Locally

Inside terminal/command-prompt, change to working directory to project-pizza-server using cd project-pizza-server. Now, run the following command in order to setup upstream, install dependencies and start the project.

  • Set upstream(For syncing your fork with base-repository, i.e. indian-devs/project-pizza-server)
git remote add upstream https://github.com/indian-devs/project-pizza-server.git
  • Install Dependencies
npm install
  • Start Project
npm run start

Make the necessary changes.

3. Commit and Open PR

Once you are done with the changes, save everything. It's time to push it back to the forked repository and making a Pull Request.

Follow these commands to push changes to forked repository.

git add .

git commit -m 'A nice commit message here'

git push origin master

The changes should be live in forked repository. Go to github and make a Pull Request to dev branch.