
IT People serverless APIs and tasks (Version 2)

Primary LanguageC#BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

IT People Functions V2

IT People serverless APIs and Tasks (Version 2)


Getting Started

To build the project, install the requirements (above), clone this repo and run:

dotnet build

To execute unit and integration tests, run:

dotnet test



The IT People Web API supports user interaction through the frontend application and server-to-server interaction for other IU consumers. Most requests require authentication through the UITS UAA. Refer to the OpenAPI documentation for information on specific endpoints.


Scheduled tasks keep IT People up-to-date in sync with other systems around IU.


Directory information (job title, contact info) is regularly pulled from the IMS Profile API.


Campus building information (name, code, location) is regularly pulled from a canonical list maintined by IU Facilities.


Tools assigned to unit members in IT People are regularly pushed to their respective AD groups.

Running Locally

Configure the API Function App

If you want to work on the Web project, or just test an API endpoint directly, you will need to configure the API project to run locally. This is accomplished by creating an src/API/local.settings.json file based on the src/API/local.settings.json.example file. You must populate the fields OAuthClientId and OAuthClientSecret with the values from "UAA Stg Credentials" in the IT People folder on Vault. Adittionally you should populate the fields AdQueryUser and AdQueryPassword with credentials to make LDAP queries against Active Directory, "ADS\opsbot" is available in Vault.

Next you will need to create a local database container for the API to use. Run

docker run -d -p 5434:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=SA -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=abcd1234@ --name itpeople-db-local postgres:11.7-alpine

Breaking down the command

  • docker run -d - Create a new container that runs in the background
  • -p 5434:5432 - Take requests on localhost:5434, and route them to port 5432(the default Postgres port) in the container
    • We use a custom port so that this container does not interfere with the container created when you perform a dotnet test
  • -e POSTGRES_USER=SA - Create a user with full permissions named "SA"
  • -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=abcd1234@ - Set the "SA" user's password to "abcd1234@"
  • --name itpeople-db-local - Name the container "itpeople-db-local" so it's easy to find when listing containers
  • postgres:11.7-alpine - The image, from DockerHub, to use for this container

Make sure the DatabaseConnectionString in your src/API/local.settings.json is set to Server=localhost;Port=5434;Database=ItPeople;User Id=SA;Password=abcd1234@;

In src/API perform a

func start

If the func command is not found or your get a version error, please ensure that you've installed the Azure Functions Core Tools, version 4.0.0 or later. Note: you may need to open a new command-prompt window after you've installed or updated the Azure Functions Core Tools.

The command will build the API app, and start the Function App. You should see output like

Azure Functions Core Tools
Core Tools Version:       4.0.5095 Commit hash: N/A  (64-bit)
Function Runtime Version:

[2023-04-14T14:24:21.160Z] Found /home/jfrancis/Documents/projects/itpeople-functions-v2/src/API/API.csproj. Using for user secrets file configuration.
[Startup] Creating database context for migration...
[Startup] Migrating database...
[Startup] Migrated database.


	ArchiveUnit: [DELETE] http://localhost:7071/units/{unitId}/archive

	BuildingRelationshipsGetAll: [GET] http://localhost:7071/buildingRelationships

	UnitsGetAll: [GET] http://localhost:7071/units

	UnitsGetOne: [GET] http://localhost:7071/units/{unitId}

	UpdateUnit: [PUT] http://localhost:7071/units/{unitId}

	UpdateUnitMember: [PUT] http://localhost:7071/memberships/{membershipId}

For detailed output, run func with --verbose flag.

This ran the migration to create the ItPeople database in the Docker container we created. Now you must add yourself as an admin user in the people table. Connect to the DatabaseConnectionString using your preferred SQL client to run the following queries. Azure Data Studio's PostgreSQL addon is available if you do not have a preferred SQL client that works with Postgres databases.

Add an example Department

INSERT INTO departments (name, description, display_units)
VALUES ('Local Department', 'Used for testing', TRUE)

Add an example Unit

INSERT INTO units ("name", "description", "url", email, active)
VALUES('Top Level Test Unit', 'A unit with no parent unit', '', '', TRUE)

Add yourself as a member of that Department, with is_service_admin set to true. Just be sure to use your own username and contact information.

INSERT INTO people (netid, "name", position, "location", campus, campus_phone, campus_email, "notes", photo_url, department_id, is_service_admin, name_first, name_last)
VALUES('jkfranci', 'Jason Francis', 'Developer', 'somewhere', 'BL', '63260', 'jkfranci@iu.edu', '', '', 1, TRUE, 'Jason', 'Francis')

Make yourself a member of the Unit you created.

INSERT INTO unit_members (unit_id, person_id, title, "role", "percentage", permissions, notes)
VALUES(1, 1, 'Head Honcho', 4, 100, 1, '')

Add some tools to the system so user management forms look correct.

INSERT INTO tools ("name", "description", department_scoped, ad_path)
	('Test Tool A', 'Just here to prevent some list views from blowing up', FALSE, 'placeholder'),
	('Test Tool B', 'Also just filling a list view', FALSE, 'placeholder')

Configuring the Web Project

Update the file src/Web/wwwroot/appsettings.json so that the API_URL field is set to the base path of the functions listed when you started the API, in this case http://localhost:7071. With the database container and the function app running you can run the Web project locally and login to it and test out the various views.


Contract Tests on Windows

Contract tests are using Pact-Net which is built using underlying Ruby Gem libraries. These particular libraries encounter problems with some Windows file paths.

  • When the path to the bin folder is more than ~260 characters the contract tests will fail to run.
  • When the path contains any spaces the tests will fail to run. The first error can be mitigated by enabling long paths in the registry.