
Kentico cms stuff

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This repo contains a custom authentication HTTP Module and coresponding HTTP handlers for Kentico CMS in order to integrate with an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 server, such as IdentityServer4.

How to use

  1. First of all you will have to deactivate (remove or comment out) the forms authentication settings in system.web section
    <!--<authentication mode="Forms">
        <forms loginUrl="CMSPages/logon.aspx" defaultUrl="Default.aspx" name=".ASPXFORMSAUTH" timeout="4320" slidingExpiration="false" />
  1. Next, you will have to register the custom authentication module and the handlers for sign in, sign out and refresh token.
    <!-- Other settings -->
        <remove name="FormsAuthenticationModule" />
        <add name="OidcAuthenticationModule" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.OidcAuthenticationModule" />
        <add name="SignInHandler" verb="GET" path="SignIn.ashx" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.SignInHandler, Indice.Kentico.Oidc" />
        <add name="SignInOidcHandler" verb="GET,POST" path="SignInOidc.ashx" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.SignInOidcHandler, Indice.Kentico.Oidc" />
        <add name="RefreshTokenOidcHandler" verb="POST" path="RefreshTokenOidc.ashx" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.RefreshTokenOidcHandler, Indice.Kentico.Oidc" />
        <add name="EndSessionOidcHandler" verb="GET" path="SignOut.ashx" type="Indice.Kentico.Oidc.EndSessionOidcHandler, Indice.Kentico.Oidc" />
    <!-- Probably Other settings -->
  1. In addition you will have to apply some important settings (all are required) in order to communicate with the authority server.
        <!-- Other keys -->
        <add key="Oidc:AutoRedirect" value="false" />
        <add key="Oidc:Authority" value="https://identity.example.com" />
        <add key="Oidc:Host" value="https://example.com" />
        <add key="Oidc:ClientId" value="my_portal" />
        <add key="Oidc:ClientSecret" value="my_strong_secret" />
        <add key="Oidc:Scopes" value="openid offline_access profile api1 api2" />
        <add key="Oidc:AuthorizeEndpointPath" value="connect/authorize" />
  1. Finally you will have to set the logon URL to the value of the handler that exists inside our package. Open Configuration -> Settings -> Security & Membership and set the Website logon page URL field (under Content section) and enter the value /SignIn.ashx as shown below. If this setting is set, it overrides the Oidc:AutoRedirect app setting. Add setting hint: The response type that is currently used against the authorization endpoint is code id_token (so the Hybrid flow is used). The code id_token flow would get a code and id_token in the Authentication Response directly but you'd use the code to get an access_token from the Token endpoint.