I am now focused on a theme-changing script
Sway build for people who need just to focus on things for a long periods without any distracting or anything which hurts eyes. I tried to configure everything just to focus on things to be done.
Yes, there is no any sexy stuff like custom launcher with widgets, blur, or drop shadow. I think they give "wow" effect only for a short period, a good design are usually things that you don't notice at first glance. In my previous builds I tried to use every tweak (transparency, blur, etc) to rice it as much as I could (my old Awesome build: https://ibb.co/d7nQqSC), but it hurts my eyes and made coding unpleasing.
I dislike most of the bars, from WM's bars to titlebars, because they visually narrow down things and make me feel constrained (claustrophobic). Also there is an outer gap as a background lighting, it helps my eyes to be focused on my work for way more period.
WM: Sway
Display Manager: SDDM (couldn't find any other one, please recommend if you know one)
Locker: swaylock-effects (gives extra effects like blur, vignette, etc.)
Compositor: wlroots (vanilla one for Wayland, wayland just does not need any other compositor)
Terminal: Alacritty
Shell: ZSH
Editor: Neovim
Launcher: rofi-lbonn-wayland-git, fork for wayland
File browsers: Thunar (Xfce4), ranger (CLI)
terminal apps: nerdfetch, neofetch, htop
Locker: swaylock-effects
Tree: cbonsai
Bar: waybar
Anime girl & Symbols: please translate, https://wallhere.com/en/wallpaper/1569407
I use Arch btw.
Warning: do not simply copypaste my dotfiles! They are not tested for compatibility for other computers, it will be configured later.
Inspired by u/candreslobor https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/mbmcss/bspwm_uncomplicated_style/
P.S. sorry for some bad quality photos.