Billy B's BBEdit sorta-Encyclopedic point of reference

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Billy B's BBEdit sorta-Encyclopedic point of reference


I tried getting into all the hype around VSCode, but I don't just feel that sort of chemistry that'll keep a long-term relationship strong, so we're probably better off as just friends.

When I say "it's not you, it's me," please know I do mean it. I had a similar fling with Atom a while back. Taking a good, honest look at my own self, I'm a little embarrassed to admit but I just go head over heels with these "America's Sweetheart" types with great big addon marketplaces. I get too emotionally invested, way too quickly, and smother any chance it going anywhere.

So, I'm getting back together with my old "on again, off again" flame, BBEdit. It just feels right, ya know? Comfortable.

But since it's been a while I'm treating this like a new beginning and compiling some helpful resources.


a tip of the cap to several fine folks who have put together relevant repos that I have given me the confidence boost needed to get back out in the field.


(I'll take of this part on my next commit. Thanks for understanding and letting me have some space.)


MIT License