
Primary LanguageMustacheApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Indiegogo Helm Charts Repo

This is the official home for all Indiegogo helm charts

How to Use Our Charts

  • Add this repo to your helm helm repo add indiegogo https://charts.indiegogo.com/
  • Install the chart of your choice using your customized values.yaml file (assumes you have a working connection to a k8s cluster setup with kubectl) helm install my-onetimesecret-release indiegogo/onetimesecret -f values.yaml

How to contribute

  • On a new branch add or modify charts in the charts directory
  • Make sure you do a helm build update to update your Charts.lock
  • If you add a chart of type Library please add it to the two --excluded-charts cli options found in .github/workflows/lint-test.yaml
  • If you add a new helm chart repository not found in the ct.yaml file please add it there and also in the .github/workflows/release.yaml file.
  • Submit a PR noting you will need to make sure your PR passes the automated tests and also that you will need a review from a codeowner such as the Indiegogo devops team.


We'd love to have more people in the codeowners. If you think you've got a solid handle on helm charts and would like to help please ping the devops team to get yourself added.

Actions in Use

Workflow Notes

  • The Lint and Test Charts workflow uses @helm/kind-action GitHub Action to spin up a kind Kubernetes cluster, and @helm/chart-testing-action to lint and test your charts on every Pull Request and push
  • The Release Charts workflow uses @helm/chart-releaser-action to turn your GitHub project into a self-hosted Helm chart repo. It does this – during every push to main – by checking each chart in your project, and whenever there's a new chart version, creates a corresponding GitHub release named for the chart version, adds Helm chart artifacts to the release, and creates or updates an index.yaml file on the gh_pages branch with metadata about those releases, which is then hosted on GitHub Pages