
This project illustrates the issue reported in #3965.


In-order to share dynamic configuration between serverless.yml & code within this project ./config.js exports a _get method which when called returns the configuration as declared within ./config.js.

Code can require configuration as normal eg const config = require('./config') and serverless.yml can access configuration via ${file(./config.js)}.


A refactor of .js file processing in 1.18.0 caused the execution context of the exported function to be lost as it was assigned to a variable. Prior to 1.18.0, this function was required and executed immediately and so the execution context was preserved.


Install this package and execute the commands below. A travis matrix build has also been setup to illustrate the issue.


> npm run serverless -- package

Serverless Error ---------------------------------------

Invalid variable syntax when referencing file "./config.js". Check if your javascript is returning the correct data.

Packaging fails


> npm i autopilothq/serverless#preserve-context-when-executing-exported-function-from-.js-file
> npm run serverless -- package

Serverless: Packaging service...

Service packaged as normal