
ESCAPE AuthN/Z test suite

Primary LanguageRobotFramework

ESCAPE AuthN/Z test suite

Documentation on token based authN/Z in the ESCAPE Datalake can be found here.

Running the testsuite with docker

This is the recommended way of running the testsuite. It requires you have a local oidc-agent configuration with two clients registered on the iam-escape instance:

  • escape-monitoring, for token-based authz tests with /escape group;
  • escape-auth-tests-cms, for token-based authz tests with the more priviledged /escape/data-manager group.

To setup an environment for running the testsuite in docker, use the following commands:

docker-compose up trust # and wait for fetch crl to be done
docker-compose up -d ts

Then run the entire testsuite with

docker-compose exec -T ts bash -c 'cd test-suite && OIDC_AGENT_SECRET=<secret_escape> OIDC_AGENT_CMS_SECRET=<secret_data-manager> sh ci/run.sh'


  • <secret_escape> is the escape-monitoring client's secret;
  • <secret_data-manager> is the escape-auth-tests-cms client's secret.


The testsuite can also be runned against one of the registered endpoint.

Once the testsuite is UP, you can log into the container with

docker-compose exec ts bash

You will need to initialize oidc-agent inside the container.

eval $(oidc-agent --no-autoload)
oidc-add escape-monitoring
oidc-add escape-auth-tests-cms

You can then run the testsuite against one of the registered endpoint, e.g. cnaf-amnesiac

cd test-suite
sh run-testsuite.sh cnaf-amnesiac

To add an endpoint, edit the ./test/variables.yaml file.

This JSON document provides a list of active RSEs in the Datalake.
To fetch the list of Datalake endpoints (which can be cut-and-pasted in the test/variables.yaml file), run

sh utils/fetch-rses-from-cric.sh

CI test suite run

GH actions

The test suite runs on GH actions:

  • at each commit on any branch
  • every hour

CNAF SD Jenkins

The test suite also runs on the CNAF software develop group Jenkins instance:

  • at each commit on any branch
  • every day at 14

Reports can be accessed here.