Overview ======== recmail is a simple utility to receive email, passed to it from a MDA, saving off any mime-parts and also storing a copy of the original message. Use === Add a symlink in /etc/smrsh pointing <sender> to /usr/local/sbin/recmail e.g # cd /etc/smrsh # ln -s /usr/local/sbin/recmail globocom Add an entry for the sender to /etc/mail/virtusertable pointing to an alias for which you put an alias in /etc/aliases. In /etc/mail/virtusertable add an entry globocom@pccl.info globocom Running make after making that change. Then in /etc/aliases add an entry globocom: |/etc/smrsh/globocom Running newaliases after making that change. Whenever email is sent to that address, it is piped through recmail recmail will look at argv[0] to see who it has been called as (stripping off the pathname). It will use this to determine where to store the data. It will split the message up into its parts and store them under /data/maildata/<sender>/YYYY/MM/DD/part-xxx.obj along with the original email stored under /data/maildata/<sender>/YYYY/MM/DD/UUID/maildata.dat There is also an index file created (00INDEX) that links original attachment filenames to their part-xxx.obj counterparts. Multiple messages sent in the same day will be stored under separate UUID/ directories. Where UUID is e.g 33faa523-d10f-4162-9876-ba30476a155c. You can run recmail manually e.g ./recmail /path/to/somedir < mailfile Where /path/to/somedir is instead of /data/maildata and mailfile is a full email message.