
Music playing server for serving a library from a webpage to multiple devices

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Music Player

An open source web-based music player

alt tag

How does it work?

Run it on your computer or server containing your music library and then access it through <ip of computer>:2000, for example if you run it on your local computer you would use localhost:2000.

Installation Instructions


node, git

You will also need a package taglib installed. On Ubuntu and derivatives this is libtag1-dev, on Arch Linux taglib. On OSX you will need homebrew, the xcode developer tools, and then run brew install taglib to install taglib (more info here). Windows support is not guaranteed and is up to someone else to submit any pull requests for windows support.

Install with the following commands:

git clone git@github.com:benkaiser/node-music-player.git
cd node-music-player/
npm install

Edit the config.js file and set music_dir to be the folder you want to be scanned for your music.

Then run the server with:

node app.js

Go to localhost:2000 in your browser (or known ip of server if it is on a different machine). From there click the Scan Library tab at the top of the page. From there select Start Scan and let it do it's magic. Once your library is scanned you should be able to access it from the Music tab up the top.

Features Implemented

  • Play songs and move between tracks
  • View full-resolution cover art
  • Full playlist support
  • Multiple selection
  • Repeat, repeat one and shuffle
  • Search functionality

Planned features

  • Cross-device syncing over network (between computers and android devices)
  • Remote controlling from other devices (i.e. phones, tablets, other computers)
  • Mobile viewing, so one may play and listen their library in an intuitive interface for a mobile phone
  • Favourite artists section


Q: Why do you use taglib?

A: We depend on the musicmetadata library for scanning most song attributes including cover photos, however scanning song duration in musicmetadata is really slow. Taglib solves this problem by implementing extremely fast scanning of track audio attributes (i.e song length). If you really wish to install without taglib, just strip out all the taglib code in library_functions.js (the application should function as normal, just without song durations displayed).