This app is for a class a cdl recruiting company. This project will have a lot of functionality built in.
Landing Page
Root of the app is a landing page. Driver will first land on the landing page where they are given information about the company and what it offers. A driver can sign up for the newsletter with an email or leave contact information that will generate a lead. The lead information is emailed to the admin of the site for further processing. A user account is created with the email and driver last name. A welcome email is sent to the driver with a request to change the password and link verification to the app side.
The app will have a quick form for job placement. A detailed walk through complete with work history for job application. Job posting board. Blog and Newsletter archive sections. Store link or e-commerce portal. Drivers have profile of work history and job application status. Recruiter have portal to allow chat with drivers, internal email, update applicants status. Some will have author status for blog, newsletter, and or job posting.
Stage one
Create the landing page and deploy. In stage one this is a separate part from the app. This needs to generate leads and attach to social media. This was needed yesterday. This project can be found at truckerjobs4u-00.
The app has be started as a concept and while building out the Landing page, there are ways it should have been done different. These will be considered when building the main project.
Stage two
Combine the app and Landing page. Use existing functionality of the landing page to continue to gain access to the app. The app can have direct access through a slightly modified url. Example:
Working Update
Stage one is complete minus testing. It is very heavy and frankenstein'ed together. Have begun to correct stage one issue here. I had one page that held one form for leads and one for the newsletter. Both of these forms accepted data. I had a admin page that displayed and manipulated data from the leads and newsletters data. There was no need for everything that was created via the scaffold command and left security risks.
- In stage one I used scaffold to generate leads and the newsletter. This created a solid foundation for dealing with the data, however it grew clunky when I did not use the installed structure and built everything into the landing page.
- Here I generated the landing controller which gave me the controller and the view, then the lead and newsletter models separate which gave me the data tables I need.
- I have wrote the create action specific for the lead model and placed the form in the landing page via a partial in the landing folder in views. Physical testing shows working in both the landing page and the Rails console.
week previous to 9.3.24
- Landing page is working. Landing page controller and Landing view for showing the landing page.
- Newsletter model created
- Lead model created
- Create actions for newsletter and lead built and in landing controller.
- Mailers for driver, admin-lead, and newsletter are created.
- Create actions for lead and newsletter send appropriate emails on creation.
- Using letter-opener gem for email review in development
Unit tests for newsletter and lead model written and working.
- Test functionality of models.
- Lead and newsletter will save with correct information
- Lead and newsletter will not save if no information
- Test functionality of models.
Systems tests for landing page written and working.
Test aspects of the landing page.
- Slogan in hero
- CTA works in hero
- Ensure checkboxes for newsletter and lead
- Ensure value of checkboxes
- phrase count in about section
Project board in github setup
Admin side created
- pagy and ransack configured
- Routes and controller actions built
- delete newsletter
- delete lead
- update lead
- Alerts and notices modified for admin specific
- SEO added to site with meta-tags gem
- Roles
- user are the members of the site
- can create, update, and delete there information
- can manage driving career and resume
- access driving tools
- admin is the site admin
- manage leads
- manage stats and site
- recruiter working for the users
- profile more detailed than users
- tools to help hire drivers
- advisor handles media
- write articles
- write newsletters
- manage media
- user are the members of the site
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions