This is an interaction design on top of the XR Interaction toolkit. The experience prototypes a VR news reader that can be selected based on locations.
The interaction requires the controllers to work with and mainly uses the standard VR input for locomotion, grabbing and selection
🌍 : Use both hands and grab to move the earth around.
🌍 : Expand your arms while holding the grab keys to scale up. Move the hands closer to scale down. (Earth will not scale down than its original size)
🌍 : Use one hand and the grab key to rotate, release to stop rotation
🌍 : If the swipe is quick, the earth can freely spin
🌍 : Move your controller closer, point an item using the pointer to select an item
🌍 : Press the trigger to show the news tablet. You can grab and move the tablet around
🌍 : Use the pointer and the trigger to interact with the news tablet
🌍 : Additionally, use the thumbstick forward to teleport and rotate thumbstick to snap rotate