A simple space invaders clone made with Js using de P5.js library
The game is very simple, it's designed to look precisely like the original game, but it's still under development (when I have time to, sadly)
To move the ship, use the left and right arrow keys. Up and down movement is not supported. To shoot, just strike your beautiful spacebar, and watch the little green men suffer
The game ends either when the aliens come to your ship to kidnap your crew and laugh at your horrible battle skills, or when you kill all the aliens with your powerful laser gun! The speed of the aliens grow for each alien you kill, emulating the original behaviour of the game (did you know it was originally a glitch? The more aliens were on the screen, the more the game became slow due to processing limitations)
It's Javascript! Just download it and run in any browser! (Wait, not any browser. Be sure to don't use any dinossaur with low Js support, please)
That's it, enjoy and have fun :D