This repository is just a fork to ensure that anything hard-linking the repository to my account does not break. The main development has now been moved to the fluminurs org:
I am graduating at the end of this semester (December 2020), so I will most likely not have time to maintain nor the necessary access to test and dogfood the features.
Fret not, for I have found new maintainers for this project, @angelsl and @jingyenloh! I have added them as collaborators in this repository, and they will shortly take over the maintenance of this repository.
This is Julius, signing off.
F LumiNUS! IVLE ftw! Why fix what ain't broken?!
Since IVLE will be deprecated next academic year (AY2019/2020), while LumiNUS has consistently pushed back its schedule to release an API, I have decided to reverse-engineer the API used by the Angular front-end of LumiNUS. Currently, my goal is to be able to automatically download files a la ivle-sync
I try to keep to best coding practices and use as little dependencies as possible. Do let me know if you have any suggestions!
PR's are welcome.
Simply click Releases ( and download the executable for your platform