
A telegram bot for push notification of LumiNUS announcements

Primary LanguageElixir


Build Status Coverage Status

F LumiNUS! IVLE ftw! Why fix what ain't broken?!

I try to keep to best coding practices and use as little dependencies as possible. Do let me know if you have any suggestions!

PR's are welcome.


  1. Elixir (tested with version 1.8, but anything above 1.6 should work)
  2. PostgreSQL (tested with version 10)
  3. A Telegram Bot token


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Copy config/secrets.exs.example to config/secrets.exs, and fill in the appropriate setting.
  3. If necessary, change the bot name in config/config.exs.
  4. Run mix start.

The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/fluminus_bot.