Baremetal Migration | LND

Umbrel (pre 0.5) to Baremetal LND Migration

Follow the Raspibolt guide installing on new HW til wallet creation (don't create the wallet). Pay attention to system configuration, security, privacy and then bitcoin client and lightning client. Electrs is not needed in principle. This can be done with a NUC / Laptop / RPi.

Decide if you want to download a new blockchain copy, rsync from old node or just use mv command to move ~/umbrel/bitcoin/blocks & ~/umbrel/bitcoin/chainstate from umbrel to /data/bitcoin.

Old Node

  1. Stop umbrel lnd. ~/umbrel/sudo scripts/stop. sudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup. Check the bitcoin debug.log and lnd logs or sudo journalctl -f -u lnd to ensure it's been stopped.
  2. Keep a copy of old seed and channel.backup

New Node

  1. Install bitcoin client and lnd client until wallet creation following
  2. Delete new machine lnd folder or move to /tmp
  3. Copy lnd directory from umbrel to new machine
  4. sudo rsync -arhvP --append-verify ~/umbrel/lnd /data no trailing slash, no lnd after /data so dir copied

Old Node

  1. Old umbrel mv channel.db channel.db_bak and lnd.conf lnd.conf_bak

New Node

  1. Remove tls files (tls.cert, tls.key), Tor cert (v3_onion_private_key) from /data/lnd and admin macaroon, macaroons.db, *macaroon: from /data/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet
  2. Ensure correct ownership and permissions for lnd and bitcoin dirs : sudo chown -R lnd:lnd /data/lnd and sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /data/bitcoin
  3. Modify lnd.conf adding autounlock and deleting zmq from old umbrel lnd.conf
  4. User lnd

  5. Create password.txt as .password.txt
  6. chmod 600 /data/lnd/.password.tx
  7. Start lnd as lnd user
  8. Check lncli getinfo, might need reboot
  9. User admin - autostart on boot (follow raspibolt guide)

  10. sudo systemctl enable lnd
  11. sudo systemctl start lnd
  12. systemctl status lnd
  13. Allow user admin to work with LND
  14. ln -s /data/lnd /home/admin/.lnd
  15. sudo chmod -R g+X /data/lnd/data/
  16. sudo chmod g+r /data/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin
