
A configurable landing page for REST API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

License: Apache 2.0 Build Status

Shiuli provides a simple configurable landing page for REST APIs. It's a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files packaged as a WebJars.


The current version is 0.2.0. To use Shiuli, add the following dependency to your pom.xml.



Spring Boot picks up the content of a webjars if the jar is detected in the classpath. Please see the webjar documentation to find out more on how to configure a webjar with a Spring application.

The Shiuli landing page can be accessed at, http://<host>:<port>/

Here's the default look and feeling of the Shiuli landing page.

Custom Configuration

You can custom configure the landing page by adding a file named shiuli.json located under the static folder, which is under the resources directory.

|__ src
    |__ main
       |__ java
       |__ resources
          |__ static
              |__ shiuli.json

The next few sections discuss ways to customize the landing page.


The title can be customized by adding a title field in shiuli.json,

  "title": "Shiuli Example"


The logo can be customized by adding a logo field in shiuli.json,

  "logo": "./images/logo.png"


The message is the content which shows up on the main viewing panel when you first access the landing page. It can be configured in a couple of different ways. If you want a simple text to show up, just add a text field. If you want something elaborate, create a markdown page and specify the URL of the markdown file in the path field.

  "message": {
    "text": "This is a simple text example.",
    "path": "welcome.md"


You can add links on the navigation bar adding items in the menu field.

  "menu": [
      "name": "Swagger",
      "endpoint": "swagger-ui.html",
      "type": "html",
      "embed": true
      "name": "NY Times",
      "endpoint": "https://www.nytimes.com",
      "type": "html",
      "embed": true
  • name: It's used for giving a name the to the link which appears on the nvaigation bar.
  • endpoint: It's used to specify the URL of the page you would like to display. It can be relative or absolute.
  • type: It's used to specify the mime type of content, e.g., json, html, or text. It plays a role on how the content is rendered if it's in the main viewing panel.
  • embed: If the value is true, the content of the URL specified in the endpoint field will be displayed in the main display panel. If it's false, the content will be displayed in a separate browser window or tab.


You can add links on the left panel by adding a link item in the links field. A link item follow the same syntax as the menu item.

Here's a simple example of a shiuli.json,

  "title": "Shiuli Example",
  "logo": "./images/logo.png",
  "message": {
    "text": "This is a Shiuli configured landing page of an example Spring Boot application.",
    "path": "welcome.md"
  "menu": [
        "name": "Swagger",
        "endpoint": "swagger-ui.html",
        "type": "html",
        "embed": true
        "name": "Metrics",
        "endpoint": "patra-ui.html",
        "type": "html",
        "embed": false
  "links": [
        "name": "Health",
        "endpoint": "health",
        "type": "json",
        "embed": true
        "name": "NPR",
        "endpoint": "https://www.npr.org/",
        "type": "html",
        "embed": false

Here's an example of Shiuli landing page after customization,


  • Check out the project.
  • Execute the following Maven command from the parent directory:
mvn clean install

Once the build completes successfully, you should have shiuli-1.0.0.jar in the shiuli/target folder.


Shiuli 1.0.0 depends on the following libraries:

  1. Bootstrap (4.5.0) is a JavaScript library provides a collection HTML design templates.
  2. jQuery (3.5.1) is a quintessential JavaScript library for manipulating HTML documents.
  3. Showdownjs (1.9.0) is a HTML converter for Markdown documents.


The Shiuli code is shared under the terms of Apache License v2.0.