
Global planning for robotics based on graph search algorithms

Primary LanguageC++


Global planning for robotics based on graph search algorithms


  • Accepting a new goal in rviz
    • Create new subscriber with check for current goal processing
    • Constraint check for the goal with dimensions of map
    • Round up the goal to cell of the map
    • Visualise the goal in rviz
    • Update the Map object with the new goal (wipe off any old goals as well)
  • Breadth First Search Planner
    • Write Motion Model
    • Planning thread wait to receive goal
    • Iterate queue until goal cell is found
    • Build final path
    • Visualise frontier, explored nodes and final path
    • Add progress indicator during planning and performance metrics
    • Clear Map function
    • Add obstacles
    • Is diagonal exploration possible?
  • Depth First Search Planner
    • Create stack data structure
    • Adapt breadth first search to depth first search
  • 2D Cost Map
    • CostMap class as derived class of OGMap class
    • Initialise all costs to default values
    • Inflate OG Map obstacles in the cost map
    • Visualise Cost Map using marker array
    • what should be default cost value of cost map cells
  • Dijkstra's Planner
    • Adapt search queue to priority queue
    • track movement costs
    • Visualise the frontier,explored nodes and final path
    • Introduce movement cost variable (No such variable needed ??? -> taken care of by COST_NEUTRAL)
    • Trade off between path length and proximity to obstacles (COST_NEUTRAL vs cost_scaling_factor)
  • Greedy Best First Search Planner
    • Priority Queue returns cells closest to the goal
  • A Star Planner
    • Introduce the manhattan distance (from goal) heuristic
    • Weight of the heuristic variable (Optimality condition : heuristic <true distance)
    • heuristic_weight variable -> trade off between Dijkstras and Greedy Best first search
    • Implement A Star with a compile time macro switch in Dijkstras

Depth First Search vs Breadth First Search

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A* Planner vs Dijkstras Planner

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