
Python FINS driver for Omron PLC

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


FINS (Factory Interface Network Service) Python driver for Omron PLC.


Install the latest version from PyPI by typing this command:

pip install -U fins-driver


Below is an example on how to use the client class.

from fins import FinsClient

client = FinsClient(host='', port=9600)
response = client.memory_area_read('D0')

Memory Area Read

.memory_area_read(address: str | bytes, num_items: int = 1) -> Response[bytes]


Read DM area at word 0.

response = client.memory_area_read('D0')

Read CIO area at word 100 and bit 01.

response = client.memory_area_read('CIO100.01')

Memory Area Write

.memory_area_write(address: str | bytes, data: bytes, num_items: int = 1) -> Response[bytes]


Write to CIO area at word 100. It will turn on CIO100.00 and CIO100.01. Hex value \x00\x03 is translated to 0000 0000 0000 0011 in binary.

response = client.memory_area_write("CIO100", b"\x00\x03")

Write to CIO area at word 100 and bit 01. We only need to provide 1 bytes data to write bit status. Hex value \x01 is translated to ON, while \x00 is translated to OFF.

response = client.memory_area_write("CIO100.01", b"\x01")

Memory Area Fill

.memory_area_fill(address: str | bytes, data: bytes, num_items: int = 1) -> Response[bytes]


Fill DM area word with \x00\x03.

response = client.memory_area_fill("D0", b"\x00\x03")

Multiple Memory Area Read

.multiple_memory_area_read(*addresses: str | bytes) -> Response[List[bytes]]


Read multiple memory area words.

response = client.multiple_memory_area_read("D0", "D1")

Read multiple memory area bits.

response = client.multiple_memory_area_read("CIO100.00", "CIO100.01")

Memory Area Transfer

.memory_area_transfer(source_address: str | bytes, dest_address: str | bytes, num_items: int = 1) -> Response[bytes]


Transfer memory area word from D0 to D1.

response = client.memory_area_transfer("D0", "D1")


.run(mode: debug | monitor | run = "monitor", program_number: bytes = b"\xff\xff") -> Response[bytes]


Change PLC to run in monitor mode.

response = client.run("monitor")


.stop() -> Response[bytes]


Stop PLC device.

response = client.stop()

Forced Set/Reset

.forced_set_reset(*specs: SetResetSpec) -> Response[bytes]


Force-set ON the CIO0.01.

from fins import SetResetSpecCode, SetResetSpec

response = client.forced_set_reset(SetResetSpec(SetResetSpecCode.FORCE_SET, "CIO0.01"))

Forced Set/Reset Cancel

.forced_set_reset_cancel() -> Response[bytes]


Cancel all bits that have been forced ON or OFF.

response = client.forced_set_reset_cancel()

Memory Areas

Below is supported memory areas prefix.

Prefix Description
CIO Core IO area
W Work area
H Holding area
A Auxiliary area
D Data Memory area

For the core IO area, you can omit the prefix. For example, address 100.01 is the same as CIO100.01.

Response Object

Property/Method Type Description
data T Response data. Refer to each command to see data type.
code bytes Response code, primarily \x00\x00 if it's OK.
status_text str Textual description of the response code.
ok bool True if request was OK (Normal completion).
raw_data bytes Original unparsed response data.
raw bytes The overall raw content of response.
header Header Response header data.
command Command The request command that was sent to the device.
