DChartPieO not show labels
Closed this issue · 14 comments
Unfortunately if I try to open the documentation (https://flutterdlux.netlify.app/d_chart/widgets/pie/) I got a "Privacy Error" and the browser not let me go further unless I not disable all the protection.
So, kindly I'm asking here how to show the labels on DChartPieO because by default I not seen them and also using customLabel.
My code:
List<OrdinalData> ordinalList = widget.data
.map((e) => OrdinalData(
domain: e["name"] ?? "",
measure: (e["value"] ?? "").toString().toDouble("en_UK") ?? 0.0,
.toList(growable: false);
return DChartPieO(
data: ordinalList,
Thanks for your help
Thanks for the quick reply but as I wrote before I cannot access also to https://dchart.netlify.app/docs/properties/custom-label.
I got always a "Privacy Error" and the browser not let go further.
I seen.. very thanks
I tried also in incognito but the issue persists.
List<OrdinalData> ordinalList = widget.data
.map((e) => OrdinalData(
domain: e["name"] ?? "",
measure: (e["value"] ?? "").toString().toDouble("en_UK") ?? 0.0,
.toList(growable: false);
return DChartPieO(
data: ordinalList,
customLabel: (ordinalData, index) {
return '${ordinalData.domain}: ${ordinalData.measure}';
Still no see any labels.
I already checked the data and "domain" contains text and "measure" a number.
I'm in web.. maybe the issue is only on web.
Thanks for the quick reply but as I wrote before I cannot access also to https://dchart.netlify.app/docs/properties/custom-label. I got always a "Privacy Error" and the browser not let go further.
usually, u can enter mode advance
try use this property:
configRenderPie: ConfigRenderPie( arcLabelDecorator: ArcLabelDecorator(), ),
that proeprty is alternatively for show label on Pie. also for style the label.
Tutorial about DChartPie: https://youtu.be/E6E1T_GzlUU
The label problem is connected with various paramters. For example the inner label is not shown if you have high labelPadding. Try this configuration:
final List<OrdinalData> ordinalDataList = [
OrdinalData(domain: 'Mon', measure: 5, color: AppColors.secondary),
OrdinalData(domain: 'Tue', measure: 2, color: AppColors.pink),
OrdinalData(domain: 'Wed', measure: 9, color: AppColors.grey),
OrdinalData(domain: 'Thu', measure: 15, color: AppColors.blue),
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
child: DChartPieO(
data: ordinalDataList,
animate: true,
animationDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
customLabel: (ordinalData, index) {
return 'Test';
configRenderPie: ConfigRenderPie(
arcWidth: 40,
arcLength: 2 * pi,
startAngle: 1 * pi,
strokeWidthPx: 4,
arcLabelDecorator: ArcLabelDecorator(
labelPosition: ArcLabelPosition.auto,
insideLabelStyle: const LabelStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 18,
outsideLabelStyle: const LabelStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 16,
labelPadding: 2,
leaderLineStyle: const ArcLabelLeaderLineStyle(
color: Colors.blue,
length: 20,
thickness: 2,
showLeaderLines: true,