Compiling and running the application with IntelliJ.

  1. Download and install IntelliJ IDEA.
    You can download the free Community Edition.

  2. Download ArduinoImageCapture from Github.

  3. Open IntellJ and click on "Import Project"
    Or if you already have an open project then "File"->"New"->"Project from Existing Sources..."

(Add/Select your Java version. For me it was "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_131")
Next -> Finish

  1. Add new run configuration
  • In the upper right corner click on the small arrow and then "Edit Configurations.."

  • Click on the "+" and select "Application"

  • Name the configuration and select main java class selecttarget

  • Now you should be able to run the application by clicking the green arrow in the upper right corner. run

  • Application window should open mainwindow

Building ArduinoImageCapture.jar

  1. Select "File"->"Project Structure..."
    Add new Artifact "JAR": New Artifact

  2. Select "MainWindow" as main class and click OK Main Class

  3. Select "Build"->"Build Artifacts..." Then select "ArduinoImageCapture:jar"->"Build" Build Jar

  4. Now There should be "ArduinoImageCapture.jar" in "out/artifacts/ArduinoImageCapture_jar" folder

  5. Now you can run it from command line with ("cd" to the jar folder):
    java -jar ArduinoImageCapture-master.jar