
Vormleer is an online latin conjugation browser where you can list and search for latin verb conjugations.

The conjugations can be filtered by voice, mood and tense.


The client is built with HTML5 and Bootstrap 4. The requests are made with ajax.

The client is hosted thnaks to github pages (see https://pages.github.com/).

Conjugation browser (index.html)

This is where the user can search after specific conjugations or list the entire conjugation of an infinitive, additionally filtered on voice, mood or tense.


  • To search a specific conjugation, type your word into "search verb". The results get refreshed while typing.
  • To list the entire conjugation of an infinitive, type the infinitive into "infinitive" and click the "Show" button.
    • The conjugation can be filtered by selecting values in the voice, mood an tense dropdown menu's.
  • Clicking on the infinitive, voice, mood or tense in the header of a result will update the filters and load the according conjugation

Editor (editor.html)

The editor is where conjugations are added, edited or removed. The user has to enter the correct editor token in the "token" field to be able to modify anything.


  • To start with a fresh verb, enter a new infinitive into the "search" field then click "new".
  • To select an existing verb, click on its infintive in the list. You can use the search field to narrow down the displayed infinitives.
    • The selected infinitive will be displayed in the page header.
  • The voice, moods and tenses are organized in dropdown's in the central menu. Clicking on the header of a collapsed menu will reveal its children.
  • Click on a mood/tense to start editing the selected verb. A wizard will be created where all the persons from the selected form can be filled.
  • To delete a form, leave the input blank
  • Send your modified form to the server by clicking on "save"

Server & db

The vormleer server exposes it's data through a somewhat restful api (see code comments for json reqs format).

It uses node.js, bcrypt and sqlite3. A lighttpd webserver is used to handle https (let's encrypt) and to proxy the traffic to the node process. The server is launched as a daemon with a systemd service file. ufw (firewall) and fail2ban are additionally used to secure the server.

Server & db setup (assuming debian jessie)


Setting up the vormleer db


Install fail2ban

# apt install fail2ban

Check logs

# cat /var/log/fail2ban.log watch all the bots getting banned


Install ufw

# apt install ufw

Allow needed services

# ufw allow ssh

# ufw allow http

# ufw allow https

Enable ufw

# ufw enable

Check status

# ufw status


Install lighttpd

# apt install lighttpd


Add mod_proxy in lighttpd.conf

# nano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

server.modules = (

Configure the proxy

# nano /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/<yourdomain>.conf

$HTTP["host"] == "<yourdomain>" {
  proxy.server  = ( "" => (
    ( "host" => "", "port" => <nodejsport> )
  ) )

save with ctrl^x then y

Reload lighttpd

# systemctl reload lighttpd

let's encrypt

Based on https://nwgat.ninja/setting-up-letsencrypt-with-lighttpd/

Stop lighttpd

# systemctl stop lighttpd

Get certbot & auth

$ git clone https://github.com/certbot/certbot && cd certbot

$ ./letsencrypt-auto --standalone auth

If let's encrypt complains about port 443 being in use check with:

# lsof -i tcp:443

Combine files into ssl.pem

# cd /etc/letsencrypt/live/<yourdomain>

# cat privkey.pem cert.pem > ssl.pem

Forward Secrecy & Diffie Hellman Ephemeral Parameters

# cd /etc/ssl/certs

# openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096 Took about 15 mins on my 2 core vps

lighttpd config

# nano /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/<yourdomain>.conf

$SERVER["socket"] == ":443" {
     ssl.engine = "enable"
     ssl.pemfile = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<yourdomain>/ssl.pem"
     ssl.ca-file = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/<yourdomain>/fullchain.pem"
     ssl.dh-file = "/etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem"
     ssl.ec-curve = "secp384r1"
     ssl.honor-cipher-order = "enable"
     ssl.cipher-list = "EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH"
     ssl.use-sslv2 = "disable"
     ssl.use-sslv3 = "disable"

save with ctrl^x then y

Reload lighttpd

# systemctl reload lighttpd


Install sqlite3

# apt install sqlite3

node.js 7 on Debian Jessie

Get node from the NodeSource Debian and Ubuntu binary distributions repository

See https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions

# curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | bash -

# apt-get install -y nodejs build-essential build-essential is used to compile and install native addons from npm

npm packages

Get the bcrypt and sqlite3 modules

$ npm install bcrypt sqlite3

Set up the sqlite database

$ cd path/to/vormleer

$ sqlite3 vormleer.db this creates an empty database

sqlite> .read vormleer.sql this will create all the tables and insert all the values needed for the base vormleer db

Exit sqlite with ctrl^D or with sqlite> .exit

Set the editor token

You can use the included bcryptpass script to hash your token A salt length of 8 is currently recommended. It takes < 100 ms to compare

$ ./bcryptpass <passwd> <salt length>

Save your hash in db.js

$ nano db.js

const EDITORTOKEN = "<your hash>";

Save with ctrl^x then y

Create a systemd service file

$ cd /etc/systemd/system

# nano vormleerd.service

Paste the following (dont forget to replace WorkingDirectory and user)

Description=Node.js vormleer db

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node db.js


Save with ctrl^x then y

Launch and monitor the db

Launch the db

# systemctl start vormleerd

Monitor the db

With systemctl status

# systemctl status vormleerd

With journalctl

# journalctl -u vormleerd -n

Sources and acks

  • Dries007 <3
  • Hilde Leroux for providing her latin knowledge and the funds to run the db
  • Norbert & Thierry ;)