
A simple angular gauge implemented with D3.js

Primary LanguageHTML


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jQuery D3 Arc Gauge is a jQuery plugin that makes use of the D3.js library to create a simple radial (or angular) gauge.



See demos here.


<div id="arc-gauge" data-height="180" data-value="50"></div>


You can set any option by passing it to the constructor:

  class:    'temperature-gauge'
  minValue: -20,
  maxValue:  50,
  value:     20
Option Type Default Description
class String arc-gauge The class assigned to SVG element.
width Integer container-width With of the gauge.
height Integer container-height Height of the gauge.
startAngle Integer -120 Degrees of starting angle (clockwise usage from North).
endAngle Integer +120 Degrees of ending angle (clockwise usage from North).
thickness Integer 5 Thickness of the gauge.
value Float 0 Initial value.
minValue Float 0 Minimum reachable value (corresponding to the starAngle).
maxValue Float 100 Maximum reachable value (corresponding to the endAngle).
transition Integer 1000 Amount of milliseconds of every transition.
bgColor String #eee Color of the fixed arc in the background.
colors String or object #08c Color of the foreground arc. You can set a fixed color by using a string like #99cccc, or you can set multiple colors depeding on the value of the gauge by using an object like this:
colors: {
  0:    '#003366', // 0%
  0.25: '#33cc00', // 25%
  0.5:  '#ffff66', // 50%
  0.75: '#ff9966', // 75%
  0.9:  '#ff3333'  // 90%
Every property of that object defines the color matched by the gauge in any specific percentual value.
onchange Function function(value){} A callback function fired every time the gauge changes his value.

data-attributes support

You can set the option of the gauge simply by adding a data attribute in your HTML code.

<div id="arc-gauge"


To call a method you have first to fetch the single instance. Any method is attached to the container directly (pure javascript):

alert('Current value: ' + $('#arg-gauge')[0].get() );
Name Description
get() Get the current value of the gauge.
set(value) Set a value of the gauge. The first parameter defines the value.