- AfindorAlibaba
- alexandermichels
- alourencoIST-IT, ISEL-ADEETC
- asmdgd
- astrojuanlu@kedro-org
- barpaum
- batermjMETA4ALL
- cgohlkeIrvine, California
- davidlowjwSingapore
- dogukancagatay@aiven
- drazenpLimerick, Ireland
- fguneyUK
- gc13141112Jingzhou Hubei
- h4ck3rm1k3Introspector Software Services
- inducerScientific Computing, CS@UIUC
- jgiretIRT Saint-Exupéry
- Kadle11Georgia Institute of Technology
- kkremitzkiIllinois
- kyrre-
- lcptXC structural engineering
- lzhou835
- mhlr
- MohmmadhdMrsool
- nchaimov@ParaToolsInc
- octwannaNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Pofatoezil
- scivey
- smilealvin
- soapjk
- spotmaverick
- sunisdown@myteksi
- ViolaLeee
- voladorlu
- yashchandak
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc