Hardware-Aware Hierarchical Control

To run:
python main.py --domain office --task coffee --hardware robot1
python main.py --domain office --task coffee --hardware robot2

To see display of robot moving through gridworld:
In main.py, uncomment lines:
moves_list = pickle.load(open("moves_list.pkl", 'rb'))
robo_ani.display_env(args.hardware, moves_list)
In office.py, uncomment lines:

To produce a .mp4 file of skill hierarchy:
In main.py, uncomment line:
plot.make_hierarchy_video("trace_result.pkl", "plot_output.mp4")
In plot.py, uncomment line:
v_out = cv2.VideoWriter(fn_out, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v'), float(FPS), (width, height))

To produce a .avi file of skill hierarchy:
In main.py, uncomment line:
plot.make_hierarchy_video("trace_result.pkl", "./plot_out.avi")
In plot.py, uncomment line:
v_out = cv2.VideoWriter(fn_out, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP42'), float(FPS), (width, height))