
A thin, boilerplate hiding wrapper for https://github.com/pma/amqp (RabbitMQ client library)

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


A project providing the following abstractions:

  1. Connection lifecycle handling
  2. Channel lifecycle handling
  3. A consumer behaviour for consuming from a RabbitMQ queue
  4. A producer behaviour for publishing messages to a RabbitMQ queue

The goal of the project are:

  1. Make it unnecessary for the programmer to directly handle connections and channels
  2. Reduce the boilerplate when creating new projects that interact with RabbitMQ

As such, hooks are provided to enable the programmer to handle message delivery, cancellation, acknowlegement, rejection as well as publishing.

For more information on implementing a consumer, see the documentation of the ExRabbitMQ.Consumer behaviour.

For more information on implementing a producer, see the documentation of the ExRabbitMQ.Producer behaviour.


  1. Add {:exrabbitmq, "~> X.Y"} (https://hex.pm/packages/exrabbitmq) in your project's deps function in mix.exs
  2. Run mix deps.get and mix compile in your project's root directory to download and compile the package


  1. Run mix deps.get, mix compile and mix docs in :exrabbitmq's root directory
  2. Serve the doc folder in :exrabbitmq's root directory with a web server