
Traefik Stack for Docker Swarm

Primary LanguageShell

bekkerstacks: traefik

Traefik Stack for Docker Swarm with SSL


If you don't have swarm enabled, you can setup swarm with docker in docker


To deploy Traefik in HTTPS mode using the deploy script:

$ EMAIL=me@mydomain.com DOMAIN=mydomain.com PROTOCOL=https bash deploy.sh
Username for Traefik UI: ruan
Password for Traefik UI: deploying traefik stack in http mode
Creating network public
Creating config proxy_traefik_htpasswd
Creating service proxy_traefik
Traefik UI is available at:
- http://traefik.localhost

To deploy Traefik in HTTP mode using the deploy script:

$ DOMAIN=localhost PROTOCOL=http bash deploy.sh
Username for Traefik UI: ruan
Password for Traefik UI: deploying traefik stack in https mode
Creating network public
Creating config proxy_traefik_htpasswd
Creating service proxy_traefik
Traefik UI is available at:
- https://traefik.mydomain.com


Deploying Traefik with the deploy script:

Deploying Traefik without the deploy script:

Deploy a Sample Application: