
This application uses Python and Socket Programming to connect the client computers to the server computer. This uses credentials from the user to Login/Register onto the system. The project is an example of how networking can be used to manage laboratories, and avoid proxy in attendance.

Primary LanguagePython


This application uses Python and Socket Programming to connect the client computers to the server computer. This uses credentials from the user to Login/Register onto the system. The project is an example of how networking can be used to manage laboratories, and avoid proxy in attendance.

Run the serverMain.py first, so that we assign a port to recieve connections.
Then run the clientMain.py and select Login option if you are an existing user. 
Select the New User option, to create a new credentials file, or to register as a new user.
A chat window would open on successful login. 
Enter your name to mark the attendance.
One system can be used only for one attendance. Multiple users trying to mark attendance from the same system would raise as alert/error.