
Search engine for my blog

Primary LanguagePython

Simple blog search system

Purpose of this project to play around with modern RAG libraries and create retrieval system for my blog.


This code is not recommended for usage to anyone. If you want - you can pick some parts from it, or check in learning purposes.


Why commands have so strange names?

Well they are done in order, to emulate pipeline.

For convenience, we store intermediate results in files using joblib.

System components


  • BlogPostsReader reads data from database and creates PostDocument's
  • DiskDumpReader reads dumped data from disk with PostDocument's


  • PostDoumentsLoader loads data from PostDocument's into Langchain Documents, this also includes splitting our documents


  • MarkdownSplitter splits text into Langchain Documents, I've had to write own because strangely markdown splitters from Langchain, Unstructured and LlamaIndex all failed to make correct splits and identify code blocks, which is very strange.
  • SentenceSplitter wrapper on SentenceTransformersTokenTextSplitter to make it compatible with interface and easy usage


I'm using sentence-transformers library with all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model because it's small and fast. That's why I used in vector store one provided from

import os

from langchain_chroma import Chroma
from langchain_community.embeddings import SentenceTransformerEmbeddings
from app.settings import SettingsLocal
from components.interfaces import Component

class VectorStore(Component):
    def __init__(self):
        self.config = {
            "posts_directory": os.path.join(SettingsLocal.DATA_DIR, "posts"),
            "embedder": SentenceTransformerEmbeddings(

And you can implement langchain_core.embeddings.embeddings.Embeddings interface and add your own embedder to components. You can easily add it to vector store via config dict.


  • VectorStoreRetriever our dense retriever. Retrieves relevant documents from vectorstore.


If you want full scale RAG system this is required. You will need some model for which you can feed your retrieved the closest documents as a context and your query as question, and generate response based on this.