
a most sophisticated tombola ticket draw hyper machine (for EasternBloc's Tombola)

Primary LanguagePython

EasternBloc Tombola super-hyper-lot-drawing-machine

you'll need Python3 installed to use the machine

  1. open a terminal window and navigate to the source code's directory
  2. type python3
  3. import the module by typing from ebtombola import *
  4. use the machine

try these things

creating a tombola and adding lots

create a tombola: tombola = Tombola() (you only need to do this once!)

create a new lot: tombola.create_lot('blinky') (where blinky is the name of your new lot! wrapped in 's)

creating gamblers and placing bets on lots

create a gambler: gambler = Gambler('aname', 10, tombola), where:

  • aname is the name of the gambler (it has to be unique) wrapped in 's,
  • 10 is the number of tickets they purchased,
  • tombola is the tombola instance you created above.

place a gambler's tickets: gambler.place_tickets('blinky', 4), where:

  • blinky is the name of the lot the gambler is betting on, wrapped in 's,
  • 4 is the number of tickets they are placing

if a gambler decides to buy new tickets after having already placed tickets earlier, you'll have to skip the duplicates validation step by adding a force parameter like this: gambler = Gambler('aname', 5, tombola, force=True). You can then proceed to place the tickets as you did the first time.

drawing lots

draw lots and find a winner: tombola.draw_lot('blinky')

saving and loading the tombola's state

you can save the state of a tombola by typing tombola.save('aname') (where aname is the name you want to save it under)

you can load a previously saved tombola by typing tombola.load('aname') (where aname is the name you gave the saved state earlier)

by default, Tombola instances are set to autosave each time there is a change in their state after they've been saved at least once. To change this default autosaving behavior so that saving needs to be done manually: tombola.autosave = False

other things

you can always check on the state of a Tombola by simply typing tombola

you can see the lots and the gamblers that have bet on each: tombola.lots

you can see the claims (winners) by typing tombola.claims

you can see which gamblers have yet to claim a prize with tombola.gamblers

you can find out what lots have not been bet on by using tombola.leftover_lots()

by default, gamblers can win a maximum of 2 lots. To change this number to 3 for example, use tombola.luckyness_maximus = 3

if the default lot drawing suspense level of 5 is too much to handle, you can change it with tombola.draw_lot('blinky', suspense=3)