
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Identity-agent-saml-sso provides the capability to communicate with your IDP(i.e. WSO2 Identity Server) in a really easy manner. You do not have to write any new java code to use this agent in your web application. All the mandatory functionality is included already. Further, this agent resides in this repository as module 'agent' you can build the agent as a single jar.

How to use Agent for a web application.

Process of including SAML SSO Agent to your web application can be described in three main steps.

First Step: You have to provide the properties that you wish to use. For that you can add the .properties file to your web application under the directory: src/main/resources. This properties file should include the relevant properties that are required to perform communication with wso2 identity server via SAML flow.

NOTE: You can define properties as context-params in the web.xml too. However the effective set of properties have 
the following priority. 
Highest -> properties defined in .properties file
Mid     -> properties defined as context-params
lowest  -> default values assumed for properties

Thus, higer priority will override the redundant occurrences.
The list of properties and their default values assumed by the agent are as follows:

Mandatory properties that must be defined either in .properties file or as context-params are as follows.

Property Description sample value
SAML2.SPEntityId Used to uniquely identify service provider.Should be same as in idp. demo-sso-agent
SAML2.AssertionConsumerURL Assertion consumer url of sp. Should be same as in IDP http://localhost:8080/demo-sso-agent/samlcallback

Second Step: Next step is adding the agent to your web application. If you web applicaiton is a Maven web project then add the below dependency. Or else you can add the jar you get after building the module agent.


Third Step: Then you have to add the SAMLSSO Filter to your web application's web.xml file as shown below.


In the above code sample, we can see that three url patterns are mapped to this filter. The pattern /samlsso is used to initiate SAML flow with the agent. Then the /samlcallback is used to map the callback from the IDP( WSO2 Identity Server). /samllogout is used to map the SAML logout request.

Sample web application with SAML Agent

This repository contains a module called 'sample' which contains a simple sample web application the usage of SAML SSO Agent. You can deploy the .war file in sample/target directory into tomcat server.