
docker-compose.yml for simple taiga setup


This is example Docker Compose file for running Taiga project management platform for agile developers, designers and project managers with taiga-events and ssl-enabled reverse proxy with all images based on alpine:latest.

Basic usage

  1. Clone this repository. git clone --depth=1 -b latest https://github.com/docker-taiga/taiga.git
  2. Adjust hostname, django secret and passwords for postgresql and rabbitmq.
  3. (Optional) If you want to enable SSL, create cert folder and put ssl certificate and key inside. Default names are fullchain.pem and privkey.pem. This can be changed by adding CERT_NAME and CERT_KEY environment variables to the service proxy. Alternatively, if you use certbot to acquire certificates, point volume /taiga-cert of the proxy service to the location of certificates, e.g. /etc/letsencrypt/live/yourdomain.com.
  4. docker-compose up

Individual images

Environment variables


  • TAIGA_HOST - Taiga hostname to use with this taiga setup.
  • TAIGA_SECRET - Django secret key.
  • TAIGA_SCHEME - Taiga URL scheme (http/https). Default is 'http'.
  • DB_HOST - PostgeSQL hostname. Default is db service.
  • DB_NAME - PostgeSQL database name. Default is same as db::POSTGRES_DB.
  • DB_USER - PostgeSQL username. Default is same as db::POSTGRES_USER.
  • DB_PASSWORD - PostgeSQL password. Default is same as db::POSTGRES_PASSWORD.
  • RABBIT_HOST - RabbitMQ hostname. Default is rabbit service.
  • RABBIT_USER - RabbitMQ username. Default is same as rabbit::RABBIT_USER.
  • RABBIT_PASSWORD - RabbitMQ password. Default is same as rabbit::RABBIT_PASSWORD.
  • RABBIT_VHOST - RabbitMQ virtual host name. Default is same as rabbit::RABBIT_VHOST.
  • STARTUP_TIMEOUT - Time to wait for databse to become ready before creating schema and importing default data.


  • TAIGA_HOST - Taiga hostname. Default is same as back::TAIGA_HOST.


  • POSTGRES_DB - Database name.
  • POSTGRES_USER - PostgreSQL username.
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD - PostgreSQL password. See postgres image documentation for details.


  • RABBIT_USER - RabbitMQ username.
  • RABBIT_PASSWORD - RabbitMQ password.
  • RABBIT_VHOST - RabbitMQ virtual host name.
  • STARTUP_TIMEOUT - Time to wait for RabbitMQ server to become ready before creating user, vhost and assigning permissions.


  • RABBIT_HOST - RabbitMQ hostname. Default is rabbit service.
  • RABBIT_USER - RabbitMQ username. Default is same as rabbit::RABBIT_USER.
  • RABBIT_PASSWORD - RabbitMQ password. Default is same as rabbit::RABBIT_PASSWORD.
  • RABBIT_VHOST - RabbitMQ virtual host name. Default is same as rabbit::RABBIT_VHOST.
  • TAIGA_SECRET - Secret for taiga-back. Default is same as back::TAIGA_SECRET.


  • TAIGA_HOSTNAME - Taiga hostname. Default is same as back::TAIGA_HOST.
  • ENABLE_SSL - Enable SSL termination (yes/no). Default is 'yes'.
  • TAIGA_BACK_HOST - Backend hostname. Default is back service.
  • TAIGA_FRONT_HOST - Frontend hostname. Default is front service.
  • EVENTS_HOST - Events hostname. Default is events service.
  • CERT_NAME - Name of certificate file. Default is fullchain.pem.
  • CERT_KEY - Name of certificate key file. Default is privkey.pem.


By default configuration volume is ./conf with config files ./conf/back/config.py for backend, ./conf/front/config.json for frontend and ./conf/proxy/nginx.conf for reverse proxy. Generated config files are placed here on first run and can be modified to specify e.g. SMTP server configuration.


Volume ./data contains postgresql data and taiga media files for persistence and backup purposes.