Go client for watchtower
go install github.com/Amirkhaksar/watchtower@main
watchtower init
watchtower init autocompelete
- set watchtower address with scheme in
git clone https://github.com/Amirkhaksar/watchtower
cd watchtower
go build .
watchtower init autocompelete
watchtower help
watchtower help flags
<<<<<<< HEAD
go install github.com/Amirkhaksar/watchtower@v1.1.0
go install gitlab.com/Amirkhaksar/watchtower-client@latest
>>>>>>> cb427464da4859867f124e5992f93a1fb12b7fcb
watchtower update
rm -rf ~/.watch-client
go install github.com/Amirkhaksar/watchtower@latest
watchtower init
# ---- Set IP, username and password at ~/.watchtower/.env
watchtower init autocomplete
watchtower help
Execute following commands:
watchtower update
watchtower init autocomplete
Add following commands in zshrc or zsh profile and source file:
fpath=(~/.watchtower/ $fpath)
autoload -Uz compinit
- Set Username and Password in
--body "bodystring" (request body)
--body-file "filename" (request body file name)
--public-target "program_name" (add public target by name)
--method string (http request method)
--compare "filename" (compare response)
--rc (reverse compare)
--limit (disable default loop)
--loop (get all pages)
--count (show count of results)
--json (show output as json)
--cdn (add cdn=ture)
--help (help of flags)
--total (add total=true)
--internal (add internal=true)
--no-limit (add not_limit=true)
--date string (set date of results)
--provider string (filter by providers)
--status string (filter by status)
--title string (filter by title)
--technology (filter by technology)
--response-headers (filter by response header, format: HEADER1:value; HEADER2:value2)
--content-type (filter by content-type header)
--server (filter by server)
--exclude-domain string (exclude a domain from results)
--exclude-provider string (exclude a provider from results)
--exclude-scope string (exclude a scope from results)