
Easy theme starter for WinterCMS with Laravel Mix, TailwindCSS & Alpine.js 3

Primary LanguageHTML

WinterCMS, TailwindCSS & Alpine.js easy theme starter

Theme starter for WinterCMS with Laravel Mix, TailwindCSS 3 & Alpine.js 3.


  • Webpack (using Laravel Mix)
  • TailwindCSS 3
  • Alpine.js 3
  • postCss


Make sure you have the .env file ready with APP_URL compiled correctly, otherwise:

php artisan winter:env and fill APP_URL

Clone repo and switch to new theme

cd your_project_folder 
git clone git@github.com:inerba/wn-tail-pine.git themes/wn-tail-pine 
php artisan theme:use wn-tail-pine

Install packages

cd themes/wn-tail-pine

yarn or npm install

Start server

yarn dev or npm run dev

Build for production

yarn build or npm run build
