
Experiments for the paper "Finding patterns in ambiguity", accepted at ReGenAI workshop @ CVPR 2024

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Finding Patterns in Ambiguity


Accepted paper @ ReGenAI workshop - CVPR 2024

All experiments were conducted using a machine equipped with a Tesla T4 GPU, ensuring sufficient computational power for training and inference phases.

Create Virtual Environment

conda env create -f environment.yml

This environment assumes working with CUDA12.

Prepare env file

Create .env file with the following information

FILESDIR=<file directory>
HOMEDIR=<repo directory>
ENTITY=<wandb entity to track experiments>

HOMEDIR and FILESDIR are equal if our repository and file directory are the same

all experiments are saved on weights&biases, so please add your entity

Available Datasets

  • Fashion MNIST



  1. train binary classifiers for a given subset: python -m src.classifier --dataset mnist --pos 7 --neg 1 --nf 1,2,4 --epochs 1

Step 1: Synthetic Data Generation

In this module, we generate synthetic data close to the decision boundary using GASTeN: variation of GANs that, given a model, generates realistic data that is classified with low confidence by a given classifier. Results show that the approach can generate images closer to the frontier than the original ones but still realistic. Manual inspection confirms that some of those images are confusing even for humans.

Paper: GASTeN: Generative Adversarial Stress Test Networks

Train GASTeN:

  1. prepare configuration file:
    • go to experiments/gasten
      • this folder contains all GASTeN paper experiments
    • select the experiment
      • e.g. mnist_7v1.yml
    • change parameters as needed
    • make sure to update the classifier name in train[step-2][classifier]
  2. prepare FID score calculation for all pairs of numbers: python -m src.metrics.fid --dataset mnist --pos 7 --neg 1
  3. create test noise: python src.utils.gen_test_noise --nz 2048 --z-dim 64
    • nz minimum value must be 2048 for FID calculation:
  4. train GASTeN: python -m src --config experiments/original/mnist_7v1.yml
  5. go to wandb and check your experiments

Step 2, 3 and 4: Finding Patterns in Ambiguity & Prototype Selection and Visualization

This module includes experiments to deep clustering and find prototypes.

  1. prepare configuration file:
    • go to experiments/clustering
      • this folder contains all clustering + prototypes experiments
    • select the experiment
      • e.g. mnist_7v1.yml
    • change parameters as needed, but take into consideration the following: - run_id is based on previously trained GASTeN. Check run_id in wandb (as job_name). - select the GAN epoch that seems to have lower FID and ACD scores
  2. run: python -m src src.clustering --config experiments/patterns/mnist_7v1.yml
  3. go to wandb and check your experiments


These results refer to the current experiments found in the experiments folder. Some values may vary, as the parameters are not currently set to be deterministic.

Datasets and MUT accuracies. The highlighted values represent the highest and lowest MUT accuracy.

Dataset Subset CNN - nf Accuracy Loss
MNIST 5 vs 3 1 92.53% 0.23
2 92.11% 0.29
4 96.06% 0.10
7 vs 1 1 97.50% 0.09
2 97.41% 0.15
4 98.84% 0.04
8 vs 0 1 96.31% 0.13
2 95.03% 0.16
4 98.92% 0.04
Fashion-MNIST dress vs top 4 94.15% 0.16
8 94.30% 0.16
16 95.75% 0.13
sandal vs sneaker 4 96.00% 0.10
8 96.70% 0.10
16 97.20% 0.07

GASTeN results:

Dataset Subset CNN - nf #test set #synthetic FID borderline FID all
MNIST 5 vs 3 1 169 2586 278.59 23.02
2 238 4242 259.83 18.80
4 60 3495 325.33 98.09
7 vs 1 1 37 786 - 21.94
2 60 969 - 17.94
4 11 364 - 15.43
8 vs 0 1 63 1605 - 20.84
2 75 1792 - 20.86
4 17 673 - 14.38
Fashion-MNIST dress vs top 4 75 2421 334.59 109.82
8 79 2138 340.16 88.58
16 52 2024 350.81 101.71
sandal vs sneaker 4 44 2904 327.78 45.88
8 32 2483 338.95 48.17
16 33 2180 - 47.30

Hyperparameters and resulting evaluation metrics for each dataset, where SIL is the silhouette score and DB is the Davies-Bouldin index.

Dataset CNN UMAP min_distance UMAP #components UMAP #neighbors GMM #clusters SIL (↑) DB (↓)
5 vs 3 1 0.01 60 5 13 0.29 1.05
2 0.01 60 5 3 0.32 1.26
4 0.01 60 5 15 0.26 1.35
7 vs 1 1 0.01 60 5 3 0.47 0.76
2 0.01 5 5 15 0.39 0.94
4 0.02 20 5 3 0.52 0.70
8 vs 0 1 0.01 5 5 15 0.36 0.93
2 0.01 11 5 15 0.31 1.14
4 0.01 5 5 15 0.43 0.89
dress vs top 4 0.01 60 5 3 0.47 0.74
8 0.01 51 7 3 0.50 0.71
16 0.01 5 5 3 0.38 1.14
sandal vs sneaker 4 0.01 5 5 15 0.27 1.19
8 0.04 5 5 3 0.33 0.96
16 0.01 60 5 15 0.28 1.12