
Examples (code samples) describing the construction of active objects on the top of Boost.Asio. A code-based guide for client/server creation with usage of active object pattern by means of Boost C++ Libraries.

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

Asio samples

Travis CI Build Status AppVeyor CI Build Status Coverity Scan Build Status codecov Release

Examples (code samples) describing the construction of active objects on the top of Boost.Asio.

A code-based guide for client/server creation with usage of active object pattern by means of Boost C++ Libraries.


Use ma_build_tests to exclude tests from build (tests are included by default):

cmake -D ma_build_tests=OFF ...

CMake project uses:

To build with static C/C++ runtime use:

  • CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE CMake parameter pointing to static_c_runtime_overrides.cmake
  • CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE_CXX CMake parameter pointing to static_cxx_runtime_overrides.cmake
  • Static build of Qt
  • ICU_ROOT CMake parameter pointing to root of ICU library (static build, required for Qt).

Note that on Windows cmake-qt searches for some system libraries (OpenGL) therefore to work correctly CMake should be executed after Windows SDK environment was set up (even if Visual Studio generator is used).

Example of generation of Visual Studio 2013 project (static C/C++ runtime, static Boost and static Qt 5, x64):

cmake -D CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=<asio_samples directory>/cmake/static_c_runtime_overrides.cmake
      -D CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE_CXX=<asio_samples directory>/cmake/static_cxx_runtime_overrides.cmake
      -D ICU_ROOT=<ICU root directory>
      -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D Qt5Core_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
      -D Qt5Gui_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui
      -D Qt5Widgets_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets
      -D GTEST_ROOT=<Google Test install directory>
      -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64"
      <asio_samples directory>

Example of generation of Visual Studio 2015 project (shared C/C++ runtime, static Boost and shared Qt 5, x64):

cmake -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D Qt5Core_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
      -D Qt5Gui_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui
      -D Qt5Widgets_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets
      -D GTEST_ROOT=<Google Test install directory>
      -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
      <asio_samples directory>

Example of generation of Visual Studio 2015 project (shared C/C++ runtime, shared Boost and shared Qt 5, x64):

cmake -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D Qt5Core_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
      -D Qt5Gui_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui
      -D Qt5Widgets_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets
      -D GTEST_ROOT=<Google Test install directory>
      -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
      <asio_samples directory>

Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS is turned OFF by default according to FindBoost documentation, so -D Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF can be omitted.

Example of generation of Visual Studio 2013 project (static C/C++ runtime, static Boost and static Qt 5, x64) for usage with Intel C++ Compiler XE 2015:

cmake -D CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=<asio_samples directory>/cmake/static_c_runtime_overrides.cmake
      -D CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE_CXX=<asio_samples directory>/cmake/static_cxx_runtime_overrides.cmake
      -D ICU_ROOT=<ICU root directory>
      -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D Qt5Core_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
      -D Qt5Gui_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui
      -D Qt5Widgets_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets
      -D GTEST_ROOT=<Google Test install directory>
      -T "Intel C++ Compiler XE 15.0"
      -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64"
      <asio_samples directory>

Example of generation of Visual Studio 2015 project (shared C/C++ runtime, static Boost and shared Qt 5, x64) for usage with Intel C++ Compiler 2016:

cmake -D ICU_ROOT=<ICU root directory>
      -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D Qt5Core_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
      -D Qt5Gui_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui
      -D Qt5Widgets_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets
      -D GTEST_ROOT=<Google Test install directory>
      -T "Intel C++ Compiler 16.0"
      -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
      <asio_samples directory>

Remarks: use this fix when using Intel C++ Compiler 16.0 with Visual Studio 2015 Update 1.

Example of generation of Visual Studio 2015 project (static C/C++ runtime, static Boost and no Qt, x64) for usage with Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017:

cmake -D CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=<asio_samples directory>/cmake/static_c_runtime_overrides.cmake
      -D CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE_CXX=<asio_samples directory>/cmake/static_cxx_runtime_overrides.cmake
      -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D ma_qt=OFF
      -T "Intel C++ Compiler 17.0"
      -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64"
      <asio_samples directory>

Example of generation of Visual Studio 2010 project (shared C/C++ runtime, static Boost and shared Qt 4):

cmake -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=<Qt directory>/bin/qmake.exe
      -D GTEST_ROOT=<Google Test install directory>
      -G "Visual Studio 10 2010"
      <asio_samples directory>

Example of generation of Visual Studio 2008 project (static C/C++ runtime, static Boost and static Qt 4):

cmake -D CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=<asio_samples directory>/cmake/static_c_runtime_overrides.cmake
      -D CMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE_CXX=<asio_samples directory>/cmake/static_cxx_runtime_overrides.cmake
      -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=<Qt directory>/bin/qmake.exe
      -D GTEST_ROOT=<Google Test install directory>
      -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"
      <asio_samples directory>

Example of generation of NMake makefile project (shared C/C++ runtime, static Boost and shared Qt 5):

cmake -D BOOST_INCLUDEDIR=<Boost headers directory>
      -D BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=<Boost built libraries directory>
      -D Qt5Core_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
      -D Qt5Gui_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui
      -D Qt5Widgets_DIR=<Qt directory>/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets
      -D GTEST_ROOT=<Google Test install directory>
      -G "NMake Makefiles"
      <asio_samples directory>

Note that if Google Test was built with CMake and MS Visual Studio then you have to "install" it somehow - just copying results of build (add "d" postfix into the name of debug artifacts) into Google Test root folder (or into "lib" sub-folder) would be enough for FindGTest.

There is a copy of Google Test shipped as part of CMake project (refer to 3rdparty/gtest folder). It will be used in case FindGTest fails to find Google Test (so GTEST_ROOT is optional). Note that -D gtest_force_shared_crt=ON command line parameter is required in case shared C/C++ runtime is planned to be used with Google Test.