
DSME-LoRa implementation for Omnet++

Primary LanguageC++

DSME-LoRa for Omnet++


  1. Install Omnet++ 6 (Preview 10) from https://omnetpp.org/download/preview

Note: In some Linux distrubutions it might be necessary to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to <omnetpp_dir>/lib in case opp_* commands fail to link against Omnet++ libraries.

  1. Update all git submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Build the inet framework:
make -C inet makefiles
make -C inet -j4

This version points to INET v4.3.0

  1. Build flora as a static library
make -C flora makefiles-static-lib
make -C flora -j4
  1. Compile and run the simulation with:
make makefiles
make all
make run

Use an existing INET library instance

INET_PATH=<path_to_inet> make ...

This also works for flora

Choose a different simulation

SIMULATION=<simulation> make run

Simulations are a ini file stored in simulations. By default, SIMULATION=s_30_a_10_spa_4 (points to simulations/s_30_a_10_spa_4.ini)

Use command line simulation instead of Qt/Tk based

CMDENV=1 make run

Run all available configurations

cd simulations && bash runall.sh