
Golang package for writing monitoring check plugins for nagios, icinga2, zabbix, etc.

Primary LanguageGoBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


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Golang package for writing monitoring check plugins for nagios, icinga2, zabbix, checkmk, etc. The package complies with the Monitoring Plugins Development Guidelines.

Example / Usage

package main

import (
	monitoringplugin "github.com/inexio/go-monitoringplugin"

func main() {
	//Creating response with a default ok message that will be displayed when the checks exits with status ok
	response := monitoringplugin.NewResponse("everything checked!")

	//Set output delimiter (default is \n)
	//response.SetOutputDelimiter(" / ")

	//updating check plugin status and adding message to the ouput (status only changes if the new status is worse than the current one)
	response.UpdateStatus(monitoringplugin.OK, "something is ok!") //check status stays ok
	response.UpdateStatus(monitoringplugin.CRITICAL, "something else is critical!") //check status updates to critical
	response.UpdateStatus(monitoringplugin.WARNING, "something else is warning!") //check status stays critical, but message will be added to the output

	//adding performance data
	err := response.AddPerformanceDataPoint(monitoringplugin.NewPerformanceDataPoint("response_time", 10, "s").SetWarn(10).SetCrit(20).SetMin(0))
	if err != nil {
		//error handling
	err = response.AddPerformanceDataPoint(monitoringplugin.NewPerformanceDataPoint("memory_usage", 50, "%").SetWarn(80).SetCrit(90).SetMin(0).SetMax(100))
	if err != nil {
		//error handling

	/* exits program with exit code 2 and outputs:
	CRITICAL: something is ok!
	something else is critical!
	something else is warning! | 'response_time'=10s;10;20;0; 'memory_usage'=50%;80;90;0;100