
Simulation data for SNMP simulator

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

SNMP simulation data

PyPI Python Versions GitHub license

The snmpsim-data package contains simulation data for snmpsim - free and open-source SNMP agent simulator. The package is distributed under 2-clause BSD license.

Why this fork?

Original project by Ilya Etingof seems not to be continued anymore. Because of that, we try to maintain / enhance SNMP simulation data.


SNMP simulation data can be downloaded as a Python package from PyPI.


Just run:

$ pip install snmpsim-data

How to use simulation data

Invoke snmpsimd.py and point it to a directory with simulation data:

$ snmpsimd.py --data-dir=snmpsim-data/data --agent-udpv4-endpoint=

Simulation data is stored in simple plain-text files having OID|TYPE|VALUE format:

$ cat public.snmprec|4|Linux SMP Tue Jun 19 14:58:11 CDT 2007 i686|6||67|233425120|4x|00127962f940|64x|c3dafe61

Simulator maps query parameters like SNMP community names, SNMPv3 contexts or IP addresses onto data files paths relative to the data directory.


Detailed information on SNMP simulator usage could be found at snmpsim site.

Getting help

If you run into bad simulation data, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.


If you have an SNMP-managed device, consider snmpwalk'ing it (or use snmprec tool from snmpsim package) and submit a PR offering your data.

If you want to contact us, please mail to the Thola Team

Copyright (c) 2019, Ilya Etingof. All rights reserved.