A collection of globals for MUSHes. I haven't worked on these in ~20 years so the state of the art may have advanced, and my recollection of details may be a bit hazy. Use them if they're useful to you.
All of the contact information for these is obsolete.
Most of these were developed for various incarnations of NarniaMUSH, where I was wizarding as Tash or Algol in the early 1990s.
This is a command line utility written in C that lets you write nicely formatted MUSHcode in text files and preprocess them into valid code before uploading. (I recall this could be done in one step from dedicated MUD clients.)
@@ MUSHcode Demo 1.0
@@ by Joshua Bell, jsbell@acs.ucalgary.ca
&ALPHA beta=$gamma *:
@switch %0=delta,{
@@ They typed "gamma delta"
@pemit %#=
> / You have typed Delta \
> \ Prepare to die. /
@@ Else
@trigger me/Epsilon=%#,%0
@trigger me/vaporize=%#
@va me=Test Case
&ALPHA beta=$gamma *:@switch %0=delta,{@pemit %#=%b/%bYou%bhave%btyped%bDelta%b\\%r%b\\%b%b%b%bPrepare%bto%bdie.%b%b%b/},{@trigger me/Epsilon=%#,%0};@trigger me/vaporize=%#
@va me=Test Case
Parsing/formatting rules:
Blank lines and lines starting with
are stripped. -
A non-whitespace, non-
character in the first column indicates the start of a new line of MUSHcode. -
Leading whitespace on a line is otherwise stripped, and indicates the line is a continuation of the previous line.
Lines starting with
(in the first column) are treated as continuations and are converted from plain ASCII to "MUSH-ready" ASCII, i.e. spaces ->%b
, [ ->\[
, etc.%r
characters are prepended to any subsequent>
lines. -
In any other line, each tab is converted to a space. Width is not conserved.
Most of the MUSHcode examples in this repo require processing with MPP before uploading.
This code lets you set up rectilinear grids of rooms that only exist when needed. This is useful for doing sky areas, oceans, terrain, or even the surfaces of entire planets!
Included is an optional module for mapped spaces. This code allows you to define vast areas of a Dynamic Space with default names, descs, succs, etc, by the use of a simple-to-create ASCII map. The normal room altering commands provided by the Dynamic Space system override anything created by the Map module, so these areas can be further customized.
Yet another MUSH mail system.
This one does not generate mailbox objects. Instead it uses attributes with only wizard visibility applied to the character objects.
A money system developed for NarniaMUSH.
A set of "pretty examine" globals that output formatted MUSHcode. This is basically the inverse of MPP.