
Polyfill Library Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

poly2 - JavaScript and Web Polyfills

This is a collection of polyfills covering web platform features, from those defined as part of the ECMAScript standard to new web browser functionality. Most are for features shipping in major browsers. A few are experimental and called out as such, subject to change at any time.

This is a fork of my previous polyfill collection because I no longer need to support versions of IE prior to IE 11.

All polyfills assume ECMAScript 5 support plus native TypedArrays and WeakMap (IE11 or newer browsers).

Getting the Code

You're already here! Great, just download it, or use:

git: git clone https://github.com/inexorabletash/poly2.git

What about NPM or other package management systems?

Nope. Not interested. Too much work for no personal benefit since I don't use them.


The polyfills are split up into files matching 1:1 with specifications. So there is dom.js for DOM, etc.

Since I generally use several in my hobby projects, a bundled/minified version is available:

polyfill.js (minified: polyfill.min.js) includes:

Minification is done via https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2

Some of the files use console.assert() calls to catch bugs during development. These are automatically removed from the included minified versions. If you use your own minifying processor it may cause to assertions to appear when unnecessary function names are stripped. You can safely remove these lines as part of a build step (e.g. using grep -V), or use a minifier that does this automatically. For UglifyJS2 the option is: drop_console

Main Polyfills

ECMAScript (JavaScript)

script - tests - standard

See also: ECMAScript proposed - Proposals for future editions of the standard. Here there be dragons.

Fundamental Objects

  • Object: assign(), entries(), getOwnPropertyDescriptors(), is(), setPrototypeOf(), values()
  • Symbol: Symbol(description), Symbol.for(), Symbol.keyFor(), Symbol.iterator, Symbol.toStringTag
    • No security, just creates an object with a unique string representation. typeof Symbol() will incorrectly report "object" but Symbol() instanceof Symbol will return true. Used primarily for iterator protocols.
  • Not supported: Function.prototype.toMethod()

Numbers and Dates

  • Number: EPSILON, isFinite(), isInteger(), isNaN(), isSafeInteger(), MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, parseFloat(), parseInt()
  • Math: acosh(), asinh(), atanh(), cbrt(), clz32(), cosh(), expm1(), fround, hypot(), imul(), log1p(), log10(), log2(), sign(), sinh(), tanh(), trunc()

Text Processing

  • String: fromCodePoint(), raw
  • String prototype: codePointAt(), endsWith(), includes(), padEnd(), padStart(), repeat(), startsWith(), [@@iterator]()
  • RegExp prototype: @@match(), @@replace(), @@search(), @@split(), flags
  • String.prototype match(), replace(), search(), and split() dispatch through RegExp symbol methods

Indexed Collections

  • Array: from(), of()
  • Array prototype: copyWithin(), entries(), fill(), find(), findIndex(), includes(), keys(), values(), [@@iterator]()
  • %TypedArray% prototype: from(), of()
  • %TypedArray% prototype: copyWithin(), entries(), every(), fill(), filter(), find(), findIndex(), forEach(), indexOf(), join(), keys(), lastIndexOf(), map(), reduce(), reduceRight(), reverse(), slice(), some(), sort(), values(), [@@iterator]()

Keyed Collections

  • Map: clear(), delete(), entries(), forEach(), get(), keys(), has(), set(), size, values(), [@@iterator]()
  • Set: add(), clear(), delete(), entries(), forEach(), has(), size, values(), [@@iterator]()
  • WeakSet: add(), clear(), delete(), has()

Asynchronous Programming

  • Promise: all(), race(),resolve(), reject()
  • Promise prototype: catch(), finally(), then()



script - tests - living standard


script - tests - living standard


  .then(function(response) { return response.json(); })
  .then(function(data) { console.log(data); });


  • Headers: new Headers(), append(name, value), delete(name), get(name), getAll(name), has(name), set(name, value), [Symbol.iterator]()
  • Body: arrayBuffer(), blob(), formData(), json(), text() - but conversions are limited
  • Request: new Request(input, init), method, headers, body, url
  • Response: new Response(body, init), headers, url, status, statusText, body
  • fetch(input, init)


script - tests - living standard

var url = new URL(url, base);
var value = url.searchParams.get(name);
var valueArray = url.searchParams.getAll(name);
url.searchParams.append(name, valueOrValues);

var p = new URLSearchParams('a=1&b=2');
  • URL: href, origin, protocol, username, password, host, hostname, port, pathname, search, searchParams, hash
  • URLSearchParams: append(name, value), delete(name), get(name), getAll(name), has(name), set(name, value), entries(), keys(), values(), forEach(callback) and [Symbol.iterator]() (if defined)

Uncommon Polyfills

The following are of limited use and are not included in the polyfill.js bundle.

Keyboard Events

script - demo page - draft spec

  • KeyboardEvent: code, key, location