
Dozens of failed assert console logs

tylerpalmerdev opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

Love your polyfill! Solved a lot of device/browser issues for me.

A question though: how can I turn off the "Assertion Failed" errors I'm seeing in my chrome console? Here's a screenshot:

Thanks in advance for the help.

This sounds like #108 - you're minifying (which removes the function names) but not removing the console.assert() calls (which check that the names are there).

The minifier I use (uglifyjs) has an option to remove console calls when minifying. You may be able to do that with your minifier or just remove them (e.g. with grep -v) as a preliminary step to minifying.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, much appreciated! That explanation makes total sense. Looks like I'm using gulp-uglify in my build process. Are you talking about the "drop_debugger" flag in compress options? See here:

If so, I'm including these options:

    compress: {
        drop_debugger: true

But, still getting the assert errors. Any ideas? Don't want you to spend too much time on this, but anything you can offer is appreciated!

drop_console is the option I'm using - it's documented at but missing from the page you linked to.

@therealTP - did that work for you? I also added a note to the