- 0
Add MouseEvent constructor polyfill
#162 opened by gigachel - 0
Main license file is missing Copyright note
#160 opened by jcubic - 3
GeometryUtils polyfill
#104 opened by deceased0a - 1
Yoink global global
#118 opened by inexorabletash - 0
Arguments in a __cons function
#159 opened by gigachel - 3
- 5
Cannot read property 'isNaN' of undefined
#154 opened by AlikDex - 0
Rhino Support
#153 opened by MichaelLeeHobbs - 0
instanceof URLSearchParams fails
#150 opened by Volune - 1
Support Node environment for url.js
#149 opened by lexaurin - 0
typedarray.js not work fine
#148 opened by malacca - 1
- 8
Infinite loop in HasProperty
#145 opened by mcalmus - 3
got an error when execute in the console
#129 opened by zzzgit - 5
trying to set read-only property
#140 opened by terion-name - 5
Using typedarray.js standalone.
#144 opened by woodser - 0
ES Experimental (Jan 2017)
#122 opened by inexorabletash - 7
URL polyfill does not work in Opera Mini 8
#138 opened by JakeChampion - 3
- 4
Keyboard `Unidentified` for keyCode 252
#130 opened by daneren2005 - 2
Why a unlicense for a polyfills library ?
#136 opened by Lcfvs - 4
Add support for proposed Element.closest
#127 opened by tmorehouse - 1
- 6
- 0
TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.
#126 opened by Bleki - 7
- 1
bower.json main attribute is invalid
#123 opened by rianby64 - 3
Feature Request: pass object and array of arrays to the URLSearchParams constructor
#119 opened by vkrol - 2
Obsolete not available through NPM?
#121 opened by sunny-g - 2
Node support
#120 opened by brettz9 - 2
Support for nodejs 4
#115 opened by lygstate - 4
URL.searchParams.entries() is not iterable
#116 opened by antoine-aubry - 6
Errors in IE 8
#113 opened by bflatmajor - 1
Now the soure tree are mixed with generated js files and writing down js files, how about split them into different folder.
#114 opened by lygstate - 4
- 2
- 4
Dozens of failed assert console logs
#109 opened by tylerpalmerdev - 1
- 1
- 5
Publish the latest version on NPM
#103 opened by pvnr0082t - 2
Which files need to be hosted
#102 opened by pvnr0082t - 1
document.implementation.createElement() will throw
#100 opened by shogun70 - 0
Keyboard: key name changes:
#99 opened by inexorabletash - 4
</body> tag in string literal
#97 opened by jlesueur - 0
- 1
Missing JSON polyfill
#95 opened by ZaDarkSide - 3
use github's fetch polyfill.
#91 opened by OneOfOne - 4
fix polyfill
#94 opened by paulyn000 - 2
URL polyfill doesn't work in workers
#93 opened by ianloic - 2
#90 opened by sendyhalim