
Fix class and package conflicts for android reverse engineer smali projects.

Primary LanguageJava


Fix class and package conflicts when reverse engineer an apk that obfuscated with proguard.


If you are working on a smali project, this tool will help you to fix class-package conflicts. think of a directory structure like below.

in this example if you need to access class a in package a/a/a/a, you can do it without errors.

But what happen if you need to access class d in package a/a/a/a/a. It will show error on java code because package a in a/a/a/a package conflicts with class a in a/a/a/a.

you can avoid errors like above with antiguard tool.

It will automatically detect conflicts and rename package. finally it will fix path mapping on smali files according to renamed package.

Download & install

Latest version: v1.0     Update: 2018-06-06

DOWNLOAD [antiguard-v1.0]


java -jar antiguard.jar path/to/smali/folder
  • (replace antiguard.jar with your downloaded jar file name. eg:antiguard-1.0.jar)
  • or rename your downloaded jar to antiguard.jar