FlashCards Starter Kit


Test your knowledge of JavaScript in this entertaining Terminal Game! But BEWARE: you are timed! Flashcards is the first solo project in the Front End Engineering Program at Turing School of Software and Design. The first objective of the project is to demonstrate an understanding of TDD (Test Driven Development). A full testing suite is available to verify the functionality of the code that runs the Game. The Game does not have its own GUI, rather it is ran in the CLI / terminal. Not having a DOM to worry about freed the developer to focus purely on the program functionality. The program employs Class Objects in JavaScript that are being passed back and forth between one another (to transfer information as well as access to previously engineered methods) so that the game functions flawlessly for the user.

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript


Clone down the repo (https://github.com/infamouskeyduster/flashcards-v2) onto your local machine.

git clone [https://github.com/infamouskeyduster/flashcards-v2] [what you want to name the repo]

Once you have cloned the repo, change into the directory and install the library dependencies. Run:

npm install

To Play the Game…

Open your CLI (Command Line Interface) and navigate to the directory for this project. Once in the root directory run the following command in your terminal:

node index.js

When the game is functioning appropriately, you will be prompted for each question, have the opportunity to select an answer, and will be given feedback. You will be able to play through the entire deck of cards.

NOTE To exit the Game upon completion, press the following keys when in the Terminal window control + C

Flashcards Game Demo