
Effort to decode the M7100 RS485 head control protocol


Effort to decode the M7100 RS485 head control protocol

PHY Layer

PHY layer is pretty straight forward its rs485, 38400baud, with what seems to be a seperate ctrl/priority line used to indicate if the bus is free.

Data Layer

Some simple data captures shows a pretty easy format.

Src 1001 Dst counter msg 1017 checksum 1016 dst
96 1001 E1 FC 0000 1B 5B48564F4C203D203238 1017 860F 1006 E1 96
This will display "VOL = 28" on the second line of the LCD.
Decoding the msg portion is very straight forward. The checksum is a different story.

CRC in this case is on 1001 E1 FC 0000 1B 5B48564F4C203D203238 1017 and uses CRC16 with the endianess flipped.

https://crccalc.com/ crc16/x-25 is the right one.. gives 0x0F86 which is you flipp is 860F... CRC solved!

Sample Captures

This repo includes some captures including one of a repeat volume message to help figure out the CRC algorythm used.