As in the furniture home model: iCLEA templates ready to deploy and build new Clouds quickly and cost effectively.
Here business can pickup appliances for AWS, Azure, GCP, ...
- 2022 Sept 17 uploading new Azure & AWS demo templates
- tf & yaml Cloud Easy Appliances ready to deploy & build, time & cost effectively as in the home furniture model.
ModernAgile --> Meassure\nGaps❌🌡
Meassure\nGaps❌🌡 --> Transparent\nSafe🌐infos
Transparent\nSafe🌐infos --> Engage\nPeople💡✋
Engage\nPeople💡✋ --> Serve✅🍀\nAdd_Value
CLIENT_VIEW --> SelfAssessment❌
SelfAssessment❌ --> SelectTemplatePrice🌐
SelectTemplatePrice🌐 --> SignSLA✋
SignSLA✋ --> AccessDEV🍀✅
Provider_VIEW --> showAssessGuide showAssessGuide --> providePrice+Templates providePrice+Templates --> RISK_EARLYrunTemplate
SelectTemplatePrice🌐 --> RISK_EARLYrunTemplate
RISK_EARLYrunTemplate --> setCostRecover+DNS
SignSLA✋ --> setCostRecover+DNS
#SignSLA✋ --> CDT_setDNS
We review tools to control several AD FS and AD DS in Azure,As a parallel task to
This page has temporary notes shared during presentation and workships, covering As a parallel task:
- Az AD DS setup and connectivity
- automate with Az cli, for demo we start with a simple app we are going to control:
- automate with az cmdlet powershell
In Azure portal, chose Azure Active Directory and go to App registrations :
- get Client ID.
- To get Client secret to go to Certificates & secrets - generate new
We check from powershell inside azure:
Test-Connection -ComputerName -Count 3
Test-Connection -ComputerName -Count 3| Select-Object -Property Source # (
Source |
cc-c735a499-545db545c8-p64w9 | and by choosing “Web Apps” -> “Create app service”
Example of commands (notes from the presentation and dissemination labs to be compiled here soon)
az storage account create -g web -n st1web -l 'Central US' # create StorageV2
"accessTier": "Hot",
"allowBlobPublicAccess": true,
"allowCrossTenantReplication": null,
Azure needs a special container called $web, which is the only container of each Azure Blob Storage.
az storage container create -n '$web' --account-name st1web # recommended to use other like --sas-token with credentials.
"created": true
az storage blob upload-batch -s ./tmp/ -d $web --account-name st1web # for automation check --auth-mode --sas-token credentials.
Finished[#############################################################] 100.0000%
"Blob": "$web/index.html",
"Last Modified": "2022-02-09T13:35:47+00:00",
"Type": "text/html",
"eTag": "\"0x8D9EBD114461E8D\""
az storage account show -n st1web -g web --query "primaryEndpoints.web" --output tsv # before setup should give ErrorCode: WebsiteDisabled
To Configure it
az storage blob service-properties update --account-name st1web --static-website --index-document index.html #optional --404-document error.html
And we have a basic wen, could setup CORS and logging later
could start new one:
az staticwebapp create --name app2 --resource-group web --source --location "eastus2" --login-with-github
# --branch main --app-location "src"
or modify existing web app:
az staticwebapp update -n app --source -b master --token GithubRepoAccessToken
az staticwebapp update -n app -s -b master --tags "py=3.8 api=7" -t GithubRepoAccessToken
"allowConfigFileUpdates": true,
"branch": "master",
"buildProperties": null,
"contentDistributionEndpoint": "",
"customDomains": [],
"defaultHostname": "",
After this az command, Azure will use the token to create pipeline actions in your repo. Beware sometimes azure leave two values empty and the action breaks, a solution is to edit your yaml action and fix this:
api_location: "api" # Api source code path - optional
output_location: "WebSite" # Built app content directory
Once fixed you see the website updated in azure:
az staticwebapp environment show -n App --output table
BuildId | CreatedTimeUtc Hostname LastUpdatedOn Location Name ResourceGroup SourceBranch Status ---------| -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------- ------- --------------- -------------- --------- default | 2022-02-09T01:08:43.394400 2022-02-09T19:43:03.040164 Central US default web master Uploading
- Microsoft, (2022), Troubleshooting & Limitations of Azure Cloud Shell, AzureAD.Standard.Preview,
- Microsoft, (2021), Quickstart: Building your first static site using the Azure CLI
- Marcello Marrocos (2020) Static WebSite on Azure Storage Account who also mentioned Github acquisition by Ms in 2018
some dashboards and splunk controls from 2019 reorganized outside
the google cloud URLs are no longer reacheable, Since the Beluga service was moved to other cloud servers,
- backlog: the urls to be updated with the correct servers apps on GC & AWS