Cloud Easy Appliances, as in the furniture home model, these iCLEA templates are ready to deploy and build your own Cloud quickly and cost effectively. Azure Control +Lean-Quality Dashboard Tools, Open-Source for The Field

Primary LanguageC

Creating iCLEA repository of Cloud Easy Appliances

As in the furniture home model: iCLEA templates ready to deploy and build new Clouds quickly and cost effectively.

Here business can pickup appliances for AWS, Azure, GCP, ...

  • 2022 Sept 17 uploading new Azure & AWS demo templates
  • tf & yaml Cloud Easy Appliances ready to deploy & build, time & cost effectively as in the home furniture model.


  ModernAgile --> Meassure\nGaps❌🌡
  Meassure\nGaps❌🌡 --> Transparent\nSafe🌐infos
  Transparent\nSafe🌐infos --> Engage\nPeople💡✋
  Engage\nPeople💡✋ --> Serve✅🍀\nAdd_Value
CLIENT_VIEW --> SelfAssessment❌  
SelfAssessment❌  --> SelectTemplatePrice🌐
SelectTemplatePrice🌐 --> SignSLA✋
SignSLA✋ --> AccessDEV🍀✅
Provider_VIEW --> showAssessGuide  showAssessGuide --> providePrice+Templates  providePrice+Templates --> RISK_EARLYrunTemplate
SelectTemplatePrice🌐 --> RISK_EARLYrunTemplate
RISK_EARLYrunTemplate --> setCostRecover+DNS 
SignSLA✋  --> setCostRecover+DNS 
 #SignSLA✋ --> CDT_setDNS


We review tools to control several AD FS and AD DS in Azure,As a parallel task to

This page has temporary notes shared during presentation and workships, covering As a parallel task:

  • Az AD DS setup and connectivity
  • Oath OIDS SAML
  • automate with Az cli, for demo we start with a simple app we are going to control:
  • automate with az cmdlet powershell


In Azure portal, chose Azure Active Directory and go to App registrations :

  • get Client ID.
  • To get Client secret to go to Certificates & secrets - generate new

We check from powershell inside azure:

  Test-Connection -ComputerName -Count 3

Test-Connection -ComputerName -Count 3| Select-Object -Property Source # (


App py

https://portal.azure.com and by choosing “Web Apps” -> “Create app service”


Example of commands (notes from the presentation and dissemination labs to be compiled here soon)

az storage account create -g web -n st1web -l 'Central US' # create StorageV2

    "accessTier": "Hot",
    "allowBlobPublicAccess": true,
    "allowCrossTenantReplication": null,

Azure needs a special container called $web, which is the only container of each Azure Blob Storage.

   az storage container create -n '$web' --account-name st1web # recommended to use other like --sas-token with credentials.
     "created": true

az storage blob upload-batch -s ./tmp/ -d $web --account-name st1web # for automation check --auth-mode --sas-token credentials.

  Finished[#############################################################]  100.0000%
      "Blob": "https://st1web.blob.core.windows.net/$web/index.html",
      "Last Modified": "2022-02-09T13:35:47+00:00",
      "Type": "text/html",
      "eTag": "\"0x8D9EBD114461E8D\""

az storage account show -n st1web -g web --query "primaryEndpoints.web" --output tsv

  https://st1web.z19.web.core.windows.net/   # before setup should give ErrorCode: WebsiteDisabled

To Configure it

  az storage blob service-properties update --account-name st1web  --static-website --index-document index.html  #optional --404-document error.html 

And we have a basic wen, could setup CORS and logging later

Or sync on github AzDevOps ...:

could start new one:

az staticwebapp create     --name app2     --resource-group web     --source https://github.com/infchg/AzCtrl     --location "eastus2"     --login-with-github
#    --branch main     --app-location "src" 

or modify existing web app:

 az staticwebapp update -n app --source  https://github.com/infchg/AzCtrl   -b master --token    GithubRepoAccessToken
az staticwebapp update -n app -s https://github.com/infchg/AzCtrl -b master --tags "py=3.8 api=7" -t GithubRepoAccessToken
"allowConfigFileUpdates": true,
"branch": "master",
"buildProperties": null,
"contentDistributionEndpoint": "https://content-dm1.infrastructure.1.azurestaticapps.net",
"customDomains": [],
"defaultHostname": "orange-water-019139410.1.azurestaticapps.net",

After this az command, Azure will use the token to create pipeline actions in your repo. Beware sometimes azure leave two values empty and the action breaks, a solution is to edit your yaml action and fix this:

      api_location: "api" # Api source code path - optional
      output_location: "WebSite" # Built app content directory 


Once fixed you see the website updated in azure:

az staticwebapp environment show -n  App  --output table

BuildId | CreatedTimeUtc Hostname LastUpdatedOn Location Name ResourceGroup SourceBranch Status ---------| -------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------- ------- --------------- -------------- --------- default | 2022-02-09T01:08:43.394400 orange-water-019139410.1.azurestaticapps.net 2022-02-09T19:43:03.040164 Central US default web master Uploading

Further Reading

Control Dashboards

Lean-Quality Dashboards tools

some dashboards and splunk controls from 2019 reorganized outside

Open-Source for The Field and Non-Profit use

OLDER <2015

Beluga Information-Change coding language

the google cloud URLs are no longer reacheable, Since the Beluga service was moved to other cloud servers,

  • backlog: the urls to be updated with the correct servers apps on GC & AWS