"Your YouTube Assistant" Node.js Fulfillment:collision:

It's a backend support for the Actions On Google app "My Youtuber Channel". This app helps youtuber's to get updated reports and status of their youtube channel just via voice, through Google Assistant App.



Cahnnel Reports

Get current updates about your youtube channel like :-

  • Number of Subscribers
  • total Videos Posted
  • Total Views of your channel

Video Reports

Get updates about latest youTube video posted like :-

  • Views
  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Dislikes

Supported Devices:fire:

  • This application is supported on all the devices (regardless of display screen) that has Google Assistant support.
  • You can complete your youtube authentication even without the need of a display screen.
  • If your device do not support browser funtionality, don't worry as all the autheentication process will get completed via simple Email on your registered email id.


To give it a try, you may say talk to My YouTuber Channel to your google assistant app or click on this link get Demo
