
Put Home Asstisant in your top bar!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Put Home Asstisant in your top bar! An Argos/Kargos/Xbar/SwiftBar script.



Comparison with other top bar clients

None of the existing top bar clients were suitable for me, so I wrote this one.

Name Platforms Features Configuration
ha-argos Linux (Gnome, Kde), Mac Lot yaml file
ha-menu Mac, Windows Lot json file
Home Assistant Extension Linux (Gnome) Limited Gui


  1. Install Argos, Kargos or Xbar
  2. Clone the repo or download as zip
  3. Install python and dependencies
  4. Make sure ha-argos.py and ha-service.py are executable
  5. Symlink ha-argos.py to the config dir
  6. Set up configuration.yaml

Example on a Debian based linux with pip:

After installing Argos or Kargos:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
git clone https://github.com/infeeeee/ha-argos
cd ha-argos
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x ha-argos.py ha-service.py
ln -s `readlink -f .`/ha-argos.py ~/.config/argos/
cp configuration.yaml.example configuration.yaml

Example on Arch:

After installing Argos or Kargos:

pacman -S python python-yaml python-requests python-lxml python-cairosvg
git clone https://github.com/infeeeee/ha-argos
cd ha-argos
chmod +x ha-argos.py ha-service.py
ln -s `readlink -f .`/ha-argos.py ~/.config/argos/
cp configuration.yaml.example configuration.yaml

Manual install on a mac

After installing xbar or swiftbar and homebrew

brew install git py3cairo 
git clone https://github.com/infeeeee/ha-argos
cd ha-argos
$(brew --prefix)/opt/python/libexec/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x ha-argos.py ha-service.py
# With swiftbar use your manually set folder instead:
ln -s $PWD/ha-argos.py "$HOME/Library/Application Support/xbar/plugins/"
cp configuration.yaml.example configuration.yaml


Everything is set up in the configuration.yaml. Just place it next to the script. you can start from configuration.yaml.example, just copy and edit it.

The variable names are based on Home Assistant's Lovelace yaml config.

To reload the changed config use the reload button.

Basic configuration

  url: https://myserver.url
  token: my-secret-token
  - entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature
      - state
      - unit_of_measurement
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
  - separator
  - entity: light.livingroom
    service: light.toggle
      brightness: 255
  - name: Garage
    icon: mdi:garage
    - entity: cover.garage
      service: cover.open_cover
      name: Open garage door
    - entity: cover.garage
      service: cover.close_cover
      name: Close garage door

All config options


  url: https://myserver.url
  token: my-secret-token
  icon_color: ffffff
  icon_size: 22

url: [required] The full url of your Home Assistace instance. Include http(s) at the beginning and port umber at the end.

token: [required] Your long-lived access token. You can generate this on your profile. Official help.

Create token on your instance: Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant user's profile.

icon_color: [optional] [Argos only] The color of the icon. Defaults to black. Add an RGB hex code, without the # sign

icon_size: [optional] [Argos only] The width of the image in pixels, it's the imageWidth Argos parameter: Argos help


In this section just put the lines on the same order as they will show up on the dropdown. Possible lines:

  • separator
  • entity
  • entities


A separator between lines. One separator is required: entity lines above the first separator display on the bar. If multiple entity lines are above the first separator they will cycle, and each will be displayed for 3 seconds.

After the first separator latter ones will display as a horizontal line.


  - entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature
      - state
      - unit_of_measurement
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
  # Another example:
  - entity: light.livingroom
    service: light.toggle
    icon: mdi:ceiling-light
    name: Livingroom ceiling light
        brightness: 255
        color_temp: 423
  # Example to show what's playing on a media player:
  - entity: media_player.mpd
    attribute_separator: ' - '
    - media_artist
    - media_title

entity: [required] A entity id from Home Assistant. If the service is a Home Assistant script, it can be omitted.

name: [optional] The name how it should appear. If omitted, it will display the attribute selected. If attribute omitted, it will display the friendly_name attribute of the entity.

attribute: [optional] An attribute or a list of attributes to get from Home Assistant.

service: [optional] A service to run when this line is clicked.

data: [optional] Data for the service

prefix: [optional] Some text before any other data. Useful to write something about sensors.

attribute_separator: [optional] Use this character between multiple attributes. Defaults to a space character.

icon: [optional] An icon for that line. It depends on the prefix of this line, where it will get the icon:

  • gtk: [argos only] A gtk icon will be displayed. See possible values on freedesktop.org icon naming specification
  • mdi: Material Design Icon, as on Home Assistant ui
  • Without prefix a base64 encoded image can be added


A dropdown list of other entities.

  - name: A list of entities
    icon: gtk:view-list
    - entity: sensor.mysensor
    - entity: light.livingroom
      service: light.toggle

entities: [required] A list of entities. Separator is also possible. All options available for them as normal entity lines.

name: [optional] The title of the dropdown.

icon: [optional] Same as for entity lines


Open an issue if something isn't working!

Running the script in terminal

The script is an executable, so if you just simply run it in the terminal you should see some sane output. You can check the exact error message, while it's hidden on the gui. It's also possible to hide the long base64 image strings with the argument --noimage, so it's easier to read the code:

cd ha-argos
./ha-argos.py --noimage

All script arguments:

--noimage: Do not add images

--nocache: Do not cache images


The script caches the icons and friendly_names of the entities to a cache.json file. If some icons or names are not updating, just simply delete this file, it will be recreated during next call to Home Assistant.
