
Combines fortune and cowsay, with some ocd tendencies

Primary LanguageShell


A (simple) bash script that combines fortune and cowsay, with some ocd tendencies Mostly useful for printing (funny) messages at terminal startup

  • Intended use: Place the script in your $PATH, and call it from ~/.bashrc (runs it at terminal startup)
  • Dependencies: cowsay, fortune
  • Available options: --disable-ocd, --default-message, all args from fortune program (do man fortune)

When using disable-ocd, cow is selected at random. Random generation of fortune is left to the fortune program at all times.

Setting fortunes

By default, fortunes are picked up from the default location /usr/share/games/fortunes (Ubuntu) or /usr/share/fortunes/ (Arch Linux). If you want to use the fortune collection here with the program, you may add this to your .bashrc.

~/bin/fortunecow -e $FORTUNE_BASE_DIR/*/ # -e treats all fortune files as equal.

Setting cowfiles

By default, cows are picked up from the default location /usr/share/cowsay/cows/ (Ubuntu) or /usr/share/cows/ (Arch Linux). To use the cow collection here, add something like this to your .bashrc.

export COWPATH="$COW_BASE_DIR/my_cows:$COW_BASE_DIR/other_cows:$COW_BASE_DIR/aur_cows:$COW_BASE_DIR/ubuntu_cows"

OCD features

  • Chalkboard gag is reserved for Bart. Similarly, futurama fortunes are spoken by futurama characters, calvin and hobbes quotes by calvin, and so on. (Eg: fortunecow ~/data/fortunes/pop/futurama). Mapping for this is done with bash globs, and more can be added in the script.
  • Ban cows without removing the cow file (edit the script vars manually for this)
  • Offensive fortune calls for offensive cow (-o argument)
  • Some cows do not speak. They think.
  • ascii-art fortunes are not meant to be spoken. Cows are not employed for such fortunes and long fortunes

Sample outputs

/  Bubblegum: Bender, you can talk trash, you can handle the ball, \
|  but look in your heart and ask yourself: are you funky          |
|  enough to be a Globe Trotter? Are you?                          |
|  Bender: Yes.                                                    |
|  Bubblegum: Are you?                                             |
|  Bender: I mean, with time, my funk level could...               |
|  Bubblegum: Are you?!                                            |
|  Bender: No.                                                     |
\  Bubblegum: Deal with it.                                        /
     ( )
 /         \
|           |
|   .-------'._
|  / /  '.' '. \
|  \ \ @   @ / /
|   '---------'
|    _______|
|  .'-+-+-+|
|  '.-+-+-+|
|    """""" |
'-.__   __.-'
/home/anup/data/fortunes/pop/futurama bender.cow -g 5

( NASA Researcher:  Why, they're all a bunch of blue-collar slobs!    )
(                                                                     )
( Launch Manager:  People, that's who we need for our next astronaut. )
(                                                                     )
( Launch Assistant:  I suggest a lengthy, inefficient search.  At the )
( taxpayers' expense, of course.                                      )
(                                                                     )
( Launch Manager:  I wish there was an easier way.                    )
(                                                                     )
(              [Phone rings]                                          )
(                                                                     )
( Homer:  Hello, is this NASA?                                        )
(                                                                     )
(      [ ] The Simpsons - 1F13 - Deep Space Homer.                    )
   o                ,---. 
    o       ,.'-.   \ 
     o      ( ( ,'"""""-. 
      o     `,X          `. 
       o    /` `           `._ 
          (            ,   ,_\ 
          |          ,---.,'o `. 
          |         / o   \     ) 
           \ ,.    (      .____, 
            \| \    \____,'     \ 
          '`'\  \        _,____,' 
          \  ,--      ,-'     \ 
            ( C     ,'         \ 
             `--'  .'           | 
               |   |         .O | 
             __|    \        ,-'_ 
            / `L     `._  _,'  ' `. 
           /    `--.._  `',.   _\  ` 
           `-.       /\  | `. ( ,\  \ 
          _/  `-._  /  \ |--'  (     \ 
         '  `-.   `'    \/\`.   `.    ) 
               \  -hrr-    \ `.  |    | 
/home/anup/data/fortunes/pop/simpsons homer.cow -b 2

/ In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. \
| Find the fun and snap!  The job's a game.                   |
| And every task you undertake, becomes a piece of cake,      |
|         a lark, a spree; it's very clear to see.            |
\                 -- Mary Poppins                             /
    \                                  ___-------___
     \                             _-~~             ~~-_
      \                         _-~                    /~-_
             /^\__/^\         /~  \                   /    \
           /|  O|| O|        /      \_______________/        \
          | |___||__|      /       /                \          \
          |          \    /      /                    \          \
          |   (_______) /______/                        \_________ \
          |         / /         \                      /            \
           \         \^\\         \                  /               \     /
             \         ||           \______________/      _-_       //\__//
               \       ||------_-~~-_ ------------- \ --/~   ~\    || __/
                 ~-----||====/~     |==================|       |/~~~~~
                  (_(__/  ./     /                    \_\      \.
                         (_(___/                         \_____)_)
songs-poems turtle.cow -y 84

/ A Thaum is the basic unit of magical strength.  It has been universally    \
| established as the amount of magic needed to create one small white pigeon |
| or three normal sized billiard balls.                                      |
\                 -- Terry Pratchett, "The Light Fantastic"                  /
          \\\|||///               \\\|||///                \\\|||///
        .  =======              .  =======               .  =======
       / \| O   O |            / \| O   O |             / \| O   O |
       \ /  \v_'/              \ /  \v_'/               \ /  \v_'/
        #   _| |_               #   _| |_                #   _| |_
       (#) (     )             (#) (     )              (#) (     )
        #\//|* *|\\             #\//|* *|\\              #\//|* *|\\
        #\/(  *  )/             #\/(  *  )/              #\/(  *  )/
        #   =====               #   =====                #   =====
        #   (\ /)               #   (\ /)                #   (\ /)
        #   || ||               #   || ||                #   || ||
       .#---'| |----.          .#---'| |----.           .#---'| |----.
        #----' -----'           #----' -----'            #----' -----'
magic natives.cow -p 84

/ Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK    \
| assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, |
\ deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.               /
       |o_o |
       |:_/ |
      //   \ \
     (|     | )
    /'\_   _/`\

chucknorris tux.cow -y 84

/ How do you power off this machine?                                         \
|         -- Linus, when upgrading linux.cs.helsinki.fi, and after using the |
\            machine for several months                                      /
  /@    ~-.
  \/ __ .- |
   // //  @
linux suse.cow -s 6